November 20, 2005

Courious George: Making a US FOIA Request I am a Permanent Resident of the US who immigrated 10 years ago. I am curious to find out what sort of records the federal governemt has acquired on me ("I have a file. I have a file!" -- Homer J. Simpson). From doing cursory Google searches it looks like I have to make seperate FOIA requests to each Federal agency for obtaining their records on me. Is there a centralized place where I can apply to get all my information released to me? Or do they deliberately make it painful to obtain the information? I am curious to hear the FOIA experiences of other monkeys as well. Were you surprised by the information they had on you? Disappointed? How about non-US-ian monkeys? What processes does your government have to initiate FOIA requests.

November 06, 2004

Curious George: Hactivist Friendly Graduate Programs A thirty-something geek is looking for your recommendations of Graduate Programs that integrates Public Policy, Intellectual Property legislation, Science, Technology (especially computers), Economics and Law. more inside