July 25, 2008
Foxconn deliberately sabotaging their BIOS to destroy Linux ACPI?
- Foxconn make motherboards, and some of these do not comply with ACPI industry specification, and will not support features such as hibernate and suspend, as well as fan control and thermal zone on a non-Windows operating system.
Malice or "we decided we didn't really care about Linux about halfway through the BIOS writing process so we just left whatever we had at the time in there and called it a day," - you be the judge.
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May 19, 2008
Alternative To Silicon Chip Invented By Student
The new transistor uses a compound material known as gallium nitride (GaN), which has remarkable material properties.
February 11, 2008
$0.00 Airbrush
= Metacafe Flash video
January 08, 2008
Port shimmering: a new way to hide valuable ports in plain sight
shimmer is a pair of small programs (a client and a server) that provide an alternative to port knocking program such as tumbler and are used to hide a valuable port (such as a hidden web server or SSH) on a public IP address.
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December 04, 2007
Perl on Rails - Why the BBC Fails at the Internet
The BBC’s infrastructure is shockingly outdated, having changed only by fractions over the past decade. Over-priced Sun Enterprise servers running Solaris and Apache provide the front-end layer. This is round-robin load balanced, there’s no management of session state, no load-based connection pool. The front-end servers proxy to the application layer, which is a handful of Solaris machines running Perl 5.6 - a language that was superseded with the release of Perl 5.8 over five and a half years ago.
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November 26, 2007
FreeAntennas dot com
aids you to supe up your wireless. Plus: How to make an unbelievably cheap and easy wi-fi booster - 5 minute video (Flash)
September 23, 2007
Create smaller CSS files
This article will tell you how to make your CSS files a bit smaller.
August 03, 2007
are a way to quickly and easily add flare to your web pages, giving your users an experience they weren't expecting.
July 21, 2007
100 Open Source Downloads
and 100 Open Source Tools, Resources, and Template Sources.
June 30, 2007
October 08, 2006
Unlocking the Mysteries of Svchost.exe
If you are using Windows XP, Svchost.exe launches at startup and usually runs several instances of itself, which you can see by accessing task manager (by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del). What is it? What is it doing? Do you need it running? Here is some information on it.
July 19, 2006
XP's No-Reformat, Nondestructive Total-Rebuild Option
How to completely rebuild, repair, or refresh an existing XP installation without losing data, and without having to reinstall user software, reformat, or otherwise destructively alter the setup.