August 05, 2005

Sleeping Students Gallery

July 20, 2005

Curious George - Supreme Contest Who will George pick tonight as the next supreme court justice? Winner will receive a box of wonderment as a prize. If multiple monkeys pick the same winner, a run-off will be held to determine the ultimate winner. Good Luck!

July 15, 2005

Otto Dix

July 05, 2005

Mo Kin (short quicktime movie)

June 21, 2005

The Boat Lullabies. Featuring the Square America series.

June 16, 2005

Gay Baseball Days

June 15, 2005

Bobs Dune Buggies

June 11, 2005

SardineKing ...labels wanted...

June 07, 2005

Parental George I have a friend who is recently divorced. She has a three year old girl. Her ex has visitation rights and picks up the kid twice a week. When the kid is with him she can do whatever she wants. He has no rules for her and lets her eat, do and say anything she wants to. The problem is is when the kid gets returned to my friend it's been a nightmare to get her to behave. It's been getting worse every week. The mother ends up looking like the bad guy by saying "no" to the child. The father won't listen to anything my friend has to say. I've never had kids. I have no ideas on this one.

May 30, 2005

Widow Bryant..*nsfw* contains some clay penis images,no,,no,no

May 29, 2005

Crappy Art sell your art, every artist needs an angle

May 24, 2005

Contagious Media Experiments. How many have you seen?

May 19, 2005

Rock Scissors Paper

May 16, 2005

The Subclub subminiature cameras and photography.

May 13, 2005

What color eyes would your children have?

April 19, 2005

Somebody explain this to me. When did the mystery auction become such a big thing on Ebay. more inside

April 15, 2005

When did Australia become a police state?

April 04, 2005

"Holga", "Diana", "Dories", "Debonair", "Lubitel", "Banner" "Snappy" and "Yunon". They're cheap, maddening, fascinating plastic pieces of crap. Many people hate them, they think they're junk, worthless, a waste of time. But we love them. We can't stop talking about them. We just can't shut up at all.

March 15, 2005

Blue Origin and they're hiring

March 12, 2005

The Narrative more inside
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