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December 31, 2010
Things people don't say about restaurant websites
. Recognised quite a few things that I don't say. And not just restaurants; Australian retailer web design overall standard is just bad.
December 30, 2010
I saw the best mmiinnddss of my ggeenneerraattiioonn...
If you like can tolerate "Magic Eye" stereograms and their eye-crossing effects, check out this rather literary variation: Stereoptic Poetry from musician/webcomicker/guy-with-a-chicken-on-his-head Wayne Myers
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Built to keep Napoleon at bay
this Suffolk Martello tower has been renovated into a home. I love the brick work. Deeply envious of the view.
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December 25, 2010
The Gifts of the Magi
: Artist P. Craig Russell has put his 1990 graphic novel of the O. Henry story up for all to read on his new website.
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December 23, 2010
Not Sure What Day It Is?
The Intarwebs can help! With these seven 'single-serving' sites. Is today Sunday? - Is today Monday? - Is today Tuesday? - Is today Wednesday? - Is today Thursday? - Is today Friday? - Is today Saturday?
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December 19, 2010
Tracking the Global Recession
- slightly UK-centric but a neat timeline from 8 Feb 2007 (HSBC saves for loan losses) to 26 Jan 2010 (Britain comes out of recession). Lots of links to articles written as things were happening.
December 18, 2010
11 Strange D&D questions
- culled from the archive of the Sage Advice column.
December 17, 2010
Wazzup in the coming New Year of the Rabbit
Let's predict:
The weather--Official NOAA vs Farmer's Almanac
Tide water levels
Scary psychic prophecies
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December 15, 2010
Here's how to make a ferrofluid.
A recent post on a certain blue filter you may have heard of was deleted because the poster fell for a hoax, seriously linking to a video that purports to explain how to make a ferrofluid at home
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December 14, 2010
Photoshop Tutorial Rap
with CMYKillah
(don't hate it because it's CollegeHumor; this is better produced than most rap videos and ALL photoshop tutorials)
December 13, 2010
December 12, 2010
Is it tomorrow already?
Owls not at their best.
December 11, 2010
Abandoned on Everest
- warning; grim photos.
Database shows how bees see world in UV
That is all.
December 07, 2010
Single Link Billy Joel You Tube Link
All of Billy Joel's Greatest Hits. Simultaneously.
December 05, 2010
December 04, 2010
Featuring: YOUbert
Scott Adams has always acknowledged the value of getting posted on office bulletin boards to his comic strip "Dilbert". But he has never openly pandered to that audience segment as much as he did today.
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December 02, 2010
Sweet Victory
Couple sues Google for trespassing to shoot photos for Google Street View. Google admits violating "Do No Evil" mantra. Couple wins massive payday one dollar.
December 01, 2010
BBC Four - The Joy of Stats
Dynamic graphing of wealth and health in 200 nations across 200 years.
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November 27, 2010
Sleep Walk
Friday Flash Foolishness
A short and very silly game involving a sleepwalking penguin.