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October 18, 2007

Word play for the hungry more inside
The Artwork Of Katherine Dinger (Lot of pictures, takes some time to load, some are somewhat NSFW depending on your boss) She is amazing! Katherine Dinger creates mostly digital paintings. She keeps a blog. These are absolutely stunning.
The Personal Ads A scene from the play The March of the Kiteflyers performed by the Jobsite Theater. The company is based in Tampa, Florida.

October 17, 2007

The real Raymond Carver. Tess Gallagher, the widow of Raymond Carver...is spearheading an effort to publish a volume of 17 original Carver stories whose highly edited versions were published in “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love"...Carver was credited with popularizing a minimalist style. But...Gordon Lish, Carver’s first editor at Alfred A. Knopf, had heavily edited, and in many cases radically cut, the stories...to hone the author’s voice. At the time, Carver begged Mr. Lish to stop production of the book. But Knopf went ahead and published it...
The Musée du Luxembourg has a Giuseppe Arcimboldo blockbuster. Previously.
Star Wars -- Episode ??: A New Season.
"The Surnateum is far more than a website designed to entertain and enlighten you. It is the virtual front-end for one of the most astonishing collections of authentic magical artefacts and strange stories gathered from around the world by the Collectors and Curators for more than a century." The museum is divided into departments, such as Cryptozoology and Teratology, Sacred and Secular Relics, and Demonology. more inside
The monkey he got drunk and sat on the elephant's trunk... I'm kind of fussy about my bananas and tend to throw away ones that have gone slightly spotty. Doing a bit of googling I came up with the following, *hic*, use for those over-ripe 'nanners.

October 16, 2007

Cabanon Press the comics of Tom Gauld and Simone Lia. more inside
The Pedal-to-the-Metal, Totally Illegal, Cross-Country Sprint for Glory is so badass.
Found faces
Photography - it's about Light. Sometimes cliches exist for a reason.
The Merchant of Venice hand-sculpts lovely masks from leather. Each mask is a work of art. more inside
Nicaragua Abortion Policy Blog post on how women are dying in Nicaragua because the Daniel Ortega is appeasing the Catholic Church by allowing no abortions. Even when the woman's life is at risk.

October 15, 2007

Dinosaurs! that look an awful lot like elephants. The servant of the Lord is currently planning a new trip to the Congo, to bring back pterosaurs. Oh, and Let's Shut Down Landover Baptist, because it makes Baby Jesus cry. (Get your Baby Jesus Anti-Fornication Thong here!) more inside
The wittiest Brit. Glaring omission: the quidnunc kid. So, monkeys, who's on your list of the funniest folks ever, Brit or otherwise?
Indexed. Graphs, Venn diagrams, and charts of everything important in life. On index cards. Just look at it. [via 43 Folders]
Classic cafes - fast disappearing, but celebrated in this excellent site. See also. more inside
Probably NSFW. This Russian music video is absolutely batshit. Pickle costumes, fursuits and a clone of Sir Nose all combine to make a surrealistic and incomprehensible video.
LOOK AROUND YOU. Look around you. Just look around you. What do you see? A tree. A weather-vane. A discarded lollipop-wrapper. A traffic shop. All of these things, and any other things you may care to mention, have one thing in common. Can you work out what it is? more inside
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