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June 07, 2005
Old Advertisements
There's lots here including: beer, cars, swimming costumes, medicines,grocery items, toiletries, motorcycles and other stuff &c.
yes, they're for sale. no, I have no interest.
There's lots here including: beer, cars, swimming costumes, medicines,grocery items, toiletries, motorcycles and other stuff &c.
yes, they're for sale. no, I have no interest.
Flores guilty, sentenced to life
Hold on to you morality meter, this is gonna be a bumpy one.
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Breaking News From the World of Science!!
Some smart dolphins use sea sponges for foraging. Really smart ones use sea shopping baskets.
via robot wisdom
All classed up and nowhere to go.
An acerbic analysis of the New York Times's recent series on class.
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Parental George
I have a friend who is recently divorced. She has a three year old girl. Her ex has visitation rights and picks up the kid twice a week. When the kid is with him she can do whatever she wants. He has no rules for her and lets her eat, do and say anything she wants to. The problem is is when the kid gets returned to my friend it's been a nightmare to get her to behave. It's been getting worse every week. The mother ends up looking like the bad guy by saying "no" to the child. The father won't listen to anything my friend has to say.
I've never had kids. I have no ideas on this one.
Celebreating Verne in the best way.
In Nantes, Verne's life and work were celebrated in a way that can only be described as delightful. Via Gizmodo.
Wanna Be Hip?
"Recently, a thirteen-year old fashion confidante informed me that I MUST NOT wear tights any longer. Apparently bare legs are the only passable hosiery donned today. Who knew? And more importantly, who would tell me? Ahhhhh...the answer is...WannaBeHip.com. Now you've got the inside track. Come on, admit it, it's fun to be hip!"
Vintage Pharmaceutical Ads
(@LJ; from BoingBoing)
Completing the circle
It started here, went on to here, which didn't satisfy the parties involved, so it went here, quicky followed by here. To complete the circle, it was important to include our MonkeyFilter brethren in the game, so here we are. Everyone happy now?
Austin meetup: June 21, 8pm.
We tried during SXSW, but now it's summer and we've got nothing better to do on a Tuesday night!
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Mundane SF
"The undersigned, being pissed off and needing a tight girdle of discipline to restrain our SF imaginative silhouettes, are temporarily united in the following actions..."
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June 06, 2005
Monkey bone fuels British town's curious simian myth
"According to popular legend, a monkey dressed in a French uniform was washed ashore at Hartlepool and tried by local magistrates on suspicion of being a French spy." See also
The Hartlepool Monkey.
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Artist Dave Devries takes children's drawings of monsters and turns them into paintings.
-- via BoingBoing
The Russian Folk Art
(fairy tales)
"Want to know how many people you've really shagged? Want to know how highly your partner rated your performance? Want to see who else is on their list to find out who you've shagged by association?"
That funny-smelling green stuff
is in the news today. An appeal from the Bush administration heard by the US Supreme Court was passed today. Federal authorities are now allowed to pursue users of marijuana when prescribed by their doctor within their respective State's law which allowed medicinal usage.
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Axl Rose resurfaces online, or does he?
Speculation, hilarity and anger ensue in a battle with grammar, logic, and trolling. Where is Axl Rose? Not even wikipedia knows
Aromantic George
Can you think of any films that don't include a romantic interest as part of their plot?
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Jews Rock