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April 26, 2005

Virtual tour of a real-life Hobbit hole. more inside
Curious Funky Monkey Jorge Is there some way to identify ourselves on a P2P to other monkeys on the same site? You'd have to be able to search somebody by their user name, I'd think. Which I can't seem to be able to find on Ares. *grump* more inside
21 Year Old, Still Fresh, Needs some work (via towleroad.)

April 25, 2005

Woman breasfeeds monkey A woman in India has apparently taken kindly to one of our fellow monkeys. Not only does the lucky chap get breasfed daily, Buru even gets the occasional sip of "expensive cows milk." [be forewarned: pic of monkey breastfeeding] more inside
Russian Circus to Feature Nazi Monkeys To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Soviet victory in World War II a circus show will dress monkeys as Nazis and have them act in wartime stories, NewsRu reports.
Cute Japanese Collectibles for Cute Submerged Babies
The Submarine Well, the metaphorical submarine. A good essay on how most of the 'trend' pieces you read are fed by PR firms. more inside
trendalicious! "trendalicious is a near real-time view of website popularity trends as reflected by the del.icio.us social bookmarking service. All URLs that have been posted by a minimum of two people in the past fifty minutes are displayed, ranked by the total number of recent posts. more inside
Rolling back the prices on weddings! I seem to be totally agnostic about this news; I'm not surprised at all.
A celebration of non-penetration
WARNING: This site contains descriptions of graphic sexual abstinence and offers abstinence-only education based on the strictest most literal interpretations of the Bible. This material is not suitable for the young or easily offended.
Look out for the pix!!
Globish is a simplified version of English with a small vocabulary. Explained in French. (Some fine pieces such as "Fuck - not a word to use, but to know and recognise" - yes, indeed.) It's been done before, surely? Another attempt, for pilots. And another for sky-pilots.
Biodiversity of the Borneo Rainforest more inside
Curious George: Martial Arts Monkeys I'm thinking about adding a martial art to my weekly regime. The reason? "So I won't have to fight." more inside
Reading Don Quixote Spaniards took 48 hours to read Don Quixote straight through in honor of the book's 400th anniversary.
Hooters Air. I'm just...I had no idea. Wow.
Atomic Platters I found this website rather randomly while searching for photos of a dead televangelist. A collection of weird, cheesey, anti-communist songs and random right wing propaganda recordings. This one is a supposed recreation of what one would hear at a communist cell meeting. There's lots more where that came from. The links above will take you to the webpages for each albums. Click on the links to hear real-audio files of the recordings.

April 24, 2005

Enduring Freedom?
Caution: Exploding Frogs - well, toads, actually. German toads are dying in a rather nasty way - their bodies swelling to bursting point until they literally explode sending their entrails several feet in various directions. And nobody knows why.
Run Like Wind... and Swim Like Fish. Summer is just around the corner, so here are a couple of sites designed to make you run and swim better. A LOT better. more inside
Draw a Pig
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