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February 23, 2005
The Day After Tomorrow.
Exactly how do John & Terry afford that $600K mortgage, SUV, big-screen TV, and pool on a modest salary? And how do they weather a hypothetical domino effect where the U.S., plagued by consumer credit and offshoring of jobs, soars into economic ruin?
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The forgettable and occasionally regrettable.
Ever wanted to know where the substitute republican elector from Maine in 1840 was buried? Of course you did!!!
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Calling creative minds!
Boss turns 40 tomorrow, and admin asked me to create a list of "appointments" that she could post to his electronic calendar. I need some creative ideas to add to my short list... note, boss has good sense of humor (not easily offended), but he *is* the fella who pays us.
callalillie is collecting cast off cat whiskers
Sometimes, dear internet, you make a request that defies any real explanation. This is because we all contain an inner freak, and some of us are just larger vessels that others.
Note that she wants only whiskers that your cats are through with. No plucking!
Guesses? Art? Fetish? Vodoo to turn her into the Queen Of All Cats?
Walking with beauty
(Native American artifacts). Then, a look through "Beauty and the Beast" tales from this collection.
And another kind of "Beauty and the Beast", in the form of fractal art.
Go whale hunting. Inland.
Do you have strange childhood memories of seeing a blue whale up close, but have never actually been to sea?
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Curious George: Mail theft
Curious George: Any Monkey postal workers? Question about mail theft...
Was there a 13th amendment
to the U.S. Constitution that was ratified but ignored? According to some right-wing conspiracy theorists, yes. This amendment, they say, makes it illegal for lawyers to serve in public office. More here and here.
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February 22, 2005
MonkeyGifts - March swap.
Opt-in for March gift swapping has begun. If you'd like to sign up, now's the time! (You can also sign up for the community but not swap this month - monthly swaps are only opt-in as you feel like it.) Here's all the community info if you're interested in joining us.
Curious George: Time Travel
If you could travel any"where" in time, to what time period would you travel, and why?
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allows you to avoid irritating, flash content in Firefox and Mozilla. It prevents flash content from loading, replacing it with a play icon - to see the content, merely click on it. Eat my *ss, drudgereport.
A Riddle:
What do the Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Io, Uranus, and Neptune have that the moon, Venus and Mercury don't?
Curious George: Landline ahoy!
Hey monkeys. I'm moving to a new place and pondering dumping the landline totally. Anybody out there landline-free? Pros and cons? The only service we really need at home is high-speed Internet; is that more expensive without regular phone service?
Eat plutonium death, disgusting alien scum!
Read the first ever appearance of D.R. & Quinch in 200AD, courtesy of the BBC. One of Alan Moore's quirkier creations.
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Figures of Speech.
An interesting look at the various literary tools employed by writers and examples of their use. This is a useful resource for students of literature or simply those who enjoy reading and writing.
Curious George: Which new language
would you most like to learn if given the chance? Why?
... sort of follow-up to this and this.
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Sing for your supper.
(or in this case breakfast). Here's a TV commercial (MP2) that just started running in Canada this month, for a Yogurt drink called Yop. It's fun, so start the week off right!
courtesy Screenhead via LF
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Draw Draw Draw