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March 05, 2004

Grindcore + pit bulls = the future! You've got your band. You've got your pit bulls. You've got a hit!
It Takes A Lot of Nerve To Post This Glenn Reynolds and LT Smash have a lot of nerve accusing Kristen Breitweiser and Monica Gabrielle of "politicizing" 9/11. Both women have lost their husbands at the WTC. The reason that they have not been happy with the President is because the White House has been constantly stonewalling the 9/11 Commission. Even Republican and commission chairman Tom Kean has gotten fed up with it. Reynolds and Smash feel it is just partisan politics. I wasn't aware that Breitweiser and Gabrielle worked for the DNC.
The Elvis Jumpsuit Database
Winged Cats. That's right, cats with wings. Folklore is replete with stories about such creatures... but could they possibly be real? Sort of. Here's the good guts on flappy cats, with pics. Warning for the squeamish: don't scroll to the very bottom of page; b&w pic of a man with pendulous facial skin abnormality - most people won't find this too bad, tho'.
Who gets the biggest slice of pie?
Death and Taxes A guy working at his desk in the Finnish tax office stopped doing so quite suddenly...and permanently. He was not discovered by co-workers for two days. He was an auditor, in case you were beginning to feel bad.
Narrow Escape for Roe. vs. Wade

March 04, 2004

Bush's Budget Will Actually Increase Deficit Remember, how the White was saying that they were going to cut the deficit in half by 2009? The Congressional Budget Office sheds some light on those projections.
Over the 10-year period from 2005 through 2014, deficits would total $2.75 trillion under the President's policies--$737 billion higher than CBO's baseline projection of the cumulative deficit.(1) Debt held by the public would rise from 36 percent of GDP at the end of 2003 to about 40 percent during the years 2006 through 2014.
Every hero's got to have theme music. Are you pursued by psycho balalaika players? Do you enter a room to orchestral swoonings? Or do you prefer booty-shakin' bass thumps when you walk down the street? Jim Aquino plays them all. "Listen (SHHH!) to what the flower people saaaay..." Warning: eye-popping blue links on black background more inside
So when it comes to This. how do you all feel about erm...Art.???
R2D2 gives Ben & Luke a thrill. The little droid clearly got his holograms mixed up - but Luke & Ben don't seem so unhappy! (probably NSFW) Note: Windows Media file - 3 Megs - won't play automatically. Nothing shocking, really, worth a laugh! Check out their faces. Snarfled from zFilter
Hot Rod Condoms -- "the world's fastest condom!" Goes on in 3 seconds or less, courtesy of the Patented Speedstrip Applicator! Vvvrroooom! (SFW) And don't miss the T-shirts!
"Separate but equal" to reign again in US classrooms. The US Department of Education has decided to relax restrictions on same-sex education. But while some claim same-sex schooling helps one gender or both, what's the real motivation behind the same-sex proponents? more inside
Make your own Psycho shower scene "The 48 second sequence has been studied by thousands of film students of the years, but only now can you cut your own version using the original footage, all online. "
Charge for access to your wireless network LinSpot 1.0. more inside
remember bruno from fame? Here's what he's getting up to now... don't forget to play with the aquasynth!
Lifesuit Robotic Pants
Robert Rodriguez slated to direct the Sin City Movie
Sorry to geek out here, but the idea of Robert Rodriguez directing Frank Miller's Sin City makes my inner dork all giddy. He'll get it DONE, too; expect to see this within a year. WOOT WOOT!
The Truth For Youth Hysterical Christian propaganda comic books. I love the rock music comic with the Marilyn Manson reject singing the evil lyrics, "Sick dreams are made of fleas, moldy breath and schoolyard cheese." I love the kid sweating during the concert like a heroin addict going cold turkey. There is also the racially offensive comic of a white boy that can't get a black kid to stop looking at internet porn.
You've got Mel! Did you love "The Passion of the Christ"? Hate it? Well, you can send an encouraging letter to Mel and let him know what you think!
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