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April 02, 2004
Magnetic Poetry!
Choose from 10 different kits and go bananas!
The Basis of the American Republic
from "An Outline of American Government". With all this talk about the constitution and patriotism maybe it would be a good idea for us to all do some readin'
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The 48 Hour Film Project
, an international filmmaking competition where teams have just two days to make a short film from scratch, is back and bigger than ever -- and they're recruiting filmmakers in cities around the world. So, call your friends, grab a camera and hold on for a wild weekend of movie making.
It takes a Facist to understand politics.
Alan Wolfe explains the current infatuation of some leftists with Carl Schmitt and how his views on politics influence both the left and right (especially the right). [via A&LD]
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The New Global Elite.
"An identikit member of this Duty Free generation would be younger than 35. She would move jobs from capital city to capital city, never staying longer than a few years. The thought of moving to a provincial city in her home country is more unsettling than a move to the other side of the world. She hardly uses local public services. She may invest her money internationally, and so has no significant stake in a single national economy. When she goes abroad, she stays with foreign friends who share her tastes and understand her acronyms. She may end up marrying one of them."
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50 Earth-like planets
A new technique suggests that half of the 100+ planetary systems known so far may have Earth-like planets capable of supporting life. Details on extrasolar planets, and local bodies (including Sedna and all that), in case you need a refresher.
Are you G?
Are you on a budget? Well, then. Iced Out Gear is perfect for you. My favourite items are easily the pimp cups. "Caution: These cups are made out of plastic and you should not drink out of them"
Pong World Champioship
Belfast is the venue for the 3rd annual Pong championship. The event is being run as part of the city's film festival(!). The prize: A genuine 1970s Pong cabinet. (Me want!)
The Wikipedia covers the illustrious history of Pong.
What is this world cumming to? Nun becomes prostitute. To make matters worse, she writes about it.
The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus.
Previously mentioned in this thread, I'm amazed that it never made it to the front page. It's a classic now, enjoy!
Fruit Flies.
Fight Club. Two great tastes... you know the rest.
Former Sen. Gary Hart says he, too, warned Rice
about an imminent terror attack on two occasions before 9/11.
How's Robert Pollard's Drinking?
Guided By Voices lead singer Robert Pollard has been ripped by the music press in recent years for his excessive onstage drinking?
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The Man of Steel loves a good musical. Select "Uniform" to view. Apologies for the Amex plug, but this was just too much Superman-y goodness not to share.
Breedster. A cross between Friendster, tamagoitchi and an ant colony
A new game by Dutch game maker drunkmenworkhere, known for his zero-content games and experiments just presented his latest game: Breedster. Here you have to keep your avatar alive by eating and defecating, and create new offspring by fornicating with others. But you have limited amounts of energy so you have to keep coming back to do those things.
It can be quite an experience if somebody has fornicated with you when you were asleep. It sometimes feels like a virtual rape. So this game is a social experiment as well.
Breedster is, just like Orkut, by invitation only but I've been a heavy breeder during the last days and have quite a few eggs to spare. So send me an email with subject "Breedster" (to keep my filters happy) if you want to take a look and I'll sign you up.
Native American Trickster Tales
In the Native American oral tradition, the vulgar but sacred Trickster assumes many forms. He can be Old-Man Coyote among the Crow tribes, Raven in northwestern Indian lore, or, more generically, "The Tricky One" (such as Wakdjunkaga among the Winnebago or Manabozho among the Menomini), to mention just a few of his manifestations.
April 01, 2004
MS Paint vs Classic Album covers.
Possibly the greatest I Love Music thread ever.