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July 08, 2004
11 dead as bush crashes in afghanistan(NYT)
no kidding. this is the current headline on the new york times.
i suppose it may be corrected soon, but what an apt typo, except for the numbers.
Weird Animal News Akimbo
- A military veteran, two poodles and a cop are attacked by the groundhog from hell, Australian researchers feel the need to study transvestite cuttlefish but they need your help, Wild British Parrots that are not dead and not pining for the fjords, the Leopards that ate Bombay (perhaps this is a job for Pavitr Prabhakar?), plus the bizarre creatures that once inhabitted the balmy tropical paradise of Scotland. Yes, I wrote Scotland. Brought to you as ever by mean Uncle Nostril.
The Great Ape-scape
...or the Magnificent Seven ride again. Freedom lovin', 'supply' flingin gorillas. More power to the monkeys! (via Fark, sorry)
Naval Operations in an Ice-Free Arctic.
This government symposium took place in 2001 but was a sobering highlight of my web surfing this evening. "Submarine data reveal a 40% decrease in arctic sea ice volume ... These trends translate into a possibility that the US Navy will be required to operate in the Arctic ... New capabilities will be required in many aspects of air, space, surface and subsurface operations and support."
Save Loomis
SFW but careful on the links.
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Curious Ceorge
Is it possible to train a kitten to be an indoor cat, or are some felines just born to roam?
Spy-der Man
He's your less than friendly neighborhood attorney general.
An interview
with Mahabir Pun, the man behind Nepal's WiFi project for villages and farmers.
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July 07, 2004
Microsoft Freebies
Espression 3 - decent drawing package
Visual Studio 2005 beta - complete programming suite
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Chidren Abused At Abu Ghraib
The political blog Sadly No has a video of a German television report of abuse of children at Abu Ghraib. For those that dont understand German there is a translation here. There is also an update to the story here.
Michael Moore doesn't care if you download free copies of Fahrenheit 911...just don't sell it.
Not everyone is please, though.
Electronic fireflies.
Really. Now you can buy teensy-weensy robotic light-up insects for your yard. Cool or creepy? And BTW, are monkeys around the world familiar with glowy lightning bugs, or are they a North American thingie?
People are tiring of ads in all their forms.
"A recent study by Yankelovich Partners, an American marketing-services consultancy, says that consumer resistance to the growing intrusiveness of marketing and advertising has been pushed to an all-time high."
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PowerPizza - Made from genuine Italian-style pizza box. I do appreciate good craftsmanship in a laptop case. [via Cult of Mac]
Collect them all.
Trade your Recreational Water Illness to somebody else's Ebola [PDFs]. Or to any of the other 29 infectious disease trading cards.
Trade your Recreational Water Illness to somebody else's Ebola [PDFs]. Or to any of the other 29 infectious disease trading cards.
The BBC's Internet site
competes with commercial sites too much, says a Government report. The BBC has already agreed to close down a number of its offerings.
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Curious, George: I've been H@x0red!
Two of my websites were hacked last week. As far as I can tell, the hackers just changed the index.html file; they didn't alter any other file in my directory. How did they get access to my index file? Should I be worried? How can I prevent this in the future?
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The Creatures In My Head.
A new funny, scary, sad, sweet creature every day.