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July 17, 2004

The OTHER Meetup Calling all West Coast Monkeys! more inside

July 16, 2004

Peter Pan [No more inside]
I Want A Pony: Venerable MonkeyBashi - can we keep the sidebar links longer than 24 hours? more inside
Cameron Diaz Vs Fleshbot According to Wired News, Cameron Diaz's attorneys wrote a cease and desist letter to Nick Denton. Diaz's attorneys want Fleshbot (NSFW) to take down a post and link to a softcore video made during Diaz's salad days. The video features "The video features Diaz topless and in fishnets. She and a leather-clad model named Natasha are vamping it up in a bondage scene with a chained man wearing nothing but a loose-fitting loincloth. At one point, the twosome toy with their male "slave," making him wear a black leather bondage mask and pretending to subjugate him." Denton probably loves the controversy. Of course, there are the rumors that Ana Marie Cox will be in Playboy.
So has evolution come to a stop? ArtsJournal>
Take your cat for a walk.
Curious George: NSFW? Why aren't you working, instead of browsing the internet? I've been part of large-scale 'net communities since the mid-1990s, and this "NSFW" stuff is a bit confusing and alien to me. Is "NSFW" just a way of saying "potentially offensive", or "not for small children"? See, I do all my browsing in a private environment, not in more public places. I'm not trying to be a bastard or troll (honest), I'm just trying to learn a bit about my fellow monkeys. Please share your thoughts. more inside
Let's Swap Again (Like We Did Last Summer) That's right, folks. Its time for the second round of the MoFi CD Swap. The innaugural round went quite well and I hope all those who participated, and a lot of those who have joined since, will come along for the ride. more inside
Bobby Fischer arrested in Japan. Reclusive former Chess Grandmaster Fischer, hero to chess geeks everywhere (and inspiration for a swell movie) now faces extradition to the USA. more inside
Friday Flash Fun It is friday right? [ via mooke.org ]
Move over Nguyen Ngoc Loan, there's a new sherrif in town. And he ain't taking no for an answer. more inside
4-D Rubix Cube! A 4-dimensional rubix cube. This is for all you monkeys who beat 20 questions yesterday! Warning: Java applet more inside
Looking for the latest legal thrill? This looks so cool. Check out the photos. (As mentioned in today's McPaper). This can't come to the U.S. fast enough for me. What is it about those innovative Kiwis? Go New Zealand!
Tobacco Farmers Get Bought Out The Senate approved a plan to give the government broad new powers to regulate the cigarette industry, including the ability to eliminate harmful ingredients in tobacco products and forbid advertising that appeals to children. more inside
Interview with a would-be suicide bomber. JR: What was the main reason for you deciding to become a suicide bomber? The one reason in particular. Hussam: The reason was because my friend was killed. The second reason I did it is because I didn't want to go to school.
Racial harmony through pop and lock. Watch a large white boy create a dialogue through dance with several black, urban youth. Truly breathtaking. From Pop and Lock dot Com.
Curious George: How long is your cat's tail? Why I'm asking: The tail on my sweetie's cat, Asta, is 7 inches long; my cat, Hotsy, has a 12-inch tail! Says here that average cat tails are from 10 to 15 inches. So is Asta's short, or Hotsy's long? A good excuse to measure your cat's tail!
Too geeky for the Olympics? Don't like sport? Here's the answer. The Mathematical Olympiad is currently running in Athens, concluding on 18 July. Test your wits against classic past problems. Suddenly, athletics begins to seem interesting...
Let's be Hens!
Are you tired? Tell us why.
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