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August 04, 2004

At 300# per lift, the damage these soldiers can make will be unimaginable... but who cares about all that! THESE SUITS ARE THE SHIZNIT!
Even superheros have to go through adolescence. [short film, via ifilm]
Christian Traders, "the first Internet investment community that recognizes that Jesus is Lord, not money."
The Center For Consumer Freedom have several websites (ActivistCash.com, BMIscale.com, NeoProhibition.com etc..) and runs commercials to inform and protect us from "the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, militant activists, meddling bureaucrats, and violent radicals" but are in fact a fake front for corporate America and FOX news that want us to buy their products (oh and die from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and liver failure.) more inside
A previously unrecognised Daguerrotype Portrait of the Young Abraham Lincoln has been identified, apparently. The image previously thought to be the earliest of Lincoln is from around 1848 when he was 39, but the new image seems to show a ten-years younger "handsome, aristocratic, and tastefully groomed" Lincoln... or someone who happened to look just like him. But it has been authenticated by a cranial expert. Well, a neurologist/psychiatrist. more inside
Rivers Cuomo's Harvard Application Essay With funny fanboy comments.
Forget the Citation Index. You can now simply cast your vote for the best scientist. The list of nominees includes Doctor Strangelove, Mr Spock and Doctor Frankenstein.
Busted! German teen discovered to be the originator of 70% of computer viruses in the world. A lot of people are breathing a sigh of relief. Seems someone turned in Sven Jaschan for the $250k reward Microsoft® is offering. Will the Brits use this as another reason to hate the Germans?
The Science of Getting Rich. Certainly not scientific, and probably not what you are expecting. Capitalist mysticism? Alas, the other titles by the wonderfully named Wallace D. Wattles, such as The Science of Well-Being and The Science of Being Excellent, are not available on-line.
Monkeehub. This is where babies jam animations are made. [Flash, via Milk and Cookies.]
Sex Slave You've seen the action figure. Now see the making of a hero.
Looptracks. (Flash?) I was addicted for an hour straight. Via Yahoo, of all places.
There is a place in Spain that is the ideal spot to watch a bullfight for the first time... I a referring to the town of Ronda. -Ernest Hemmingway [nsfw]
Going places you're not supposed to go. Toronto drain tunnels and beyond!
Spider-Man reviews crayons - It's just silly and it's not even Friday.

August 03, 2004

. : The Living Room Candidate : . The American Museum of the Moving Image has an interesting online exhibit of 250 or so campaign commercials from 1952 (Ike had the first) to 2004. [You may view them at multiple resolutions in either Real or WMA format]
HomeRun! (Flash game, SFW, unless you get in trouble for arranging impromptu tournements with your coworkers, ahem) more inside
What the hell? more inside
Slightly obscure music news. Holy flibberty gibbet! Slint are back! more inside
Maggots are making a medical comeback and Dr. Maggot is leading the charge. Maggots and leeches have been approved by the FDA as medical "devices." more inside
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