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August 10, 2004
Short films.
More short films. Additional short films. Very short films. Very short films in Dutch. And the shortest films of all. Various players req'd.
Links to new Gmail applications
Some of these seem potentially great, and I'll no doubt be playing around with a few of them. [Via MeFi]
Nice bed,
but they forgot the parachute.
(Full Article)
Stay Free's Carrie McLaren brings up an amazing 2 year old historical relic: the Ad Council's post-9/11 PSA's that tried to inspire patriotism by showing 1984-style scenarios (library visitors tracked by secret police, people arrested for expressing dissent) and culminating with the tagline, "What if America Wasn't America?"
Two years later, you're living in an America that isn't America.
(my first post. please don't kill me. thank you.)
Two years later, you're living in an America that isn't America.
(my first post. please don't kill me. thank you.)
Face blindness.
This analogy is from Cecilia Burman's prosopagnosia pages, loaded with fantastic graphics and visuals on this strange affliction. As someone who cannot remember new faces until I've had weeks of contact, social situations can be annoying, frustrating, and sometimes a tad offensive.
Curious, George: Would you like to touch my monkey?
Does anyone know of a german-language MoFi/MeFi-like site?
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No More Free Rap
The attorneys general for the states of Kansas and Indiana have withheld the distribution of more than 7,000 CDs, including music by Outkast and Rage Against the Machine, to state libraries because they have deemed the music objectionable.
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Free MP3's
We all know MP3 blogs are the hot new thing right now. Problem is, lots of us question the morals of illegal, copyright infringing MP3's, or happen to have the FBI watching over our back, so what to do? Lucky for you, there's lots of quality MP3 blogs that link only to legal, label/band-approved songs. Mystery and Misery is one such quality blog which has recently even gotten newspaper attention. Other quality legal MP3 blogs include 3hive and Fat Planet.
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Curious George: The LSAT
I'm taking the LSAT in October and any helpful hints would be appreciated.
Let's All Sing Like The Birdies Sing....
Don't know the difference between the Pigmy Nuthatch and the Common Redpoll? Can't imitate a Northern Bobwhite's whistle if your life depended on it? Well, sounds like you need to get to practicing your birdcalls, and if you can't find out the sound it makes here, chances are it just don't make noise.
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The Ten Second Film Festival
is the shortest, most challenging film festival on earth. All the films in the festival are 10 seconds or less and can be made using anything from a video camera, computer animation, web cam, flash animations, CCTV or whatever else you can get your hands on. You can watch it on the web, mobile phones, PDAs and in cinemas and film festivals around the world.
August 09, 2004
How not to buy happiness.
In effect, I wish to propose two different answers to the question “Does money buy happiness?”
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Curious George Calls the Cops
When do you, personally, call the cops on strangers? Visible blood? Scary noises next door? Damn kids in your Jello Tree again? To screw over your annoying neighbours and their stupid loud stereo/dogs/opinions at odds with yours? Never, because you won't be a brainwashed stooge of The Man?
Is 911 on speed dial? Or ranked with 666?
I ask because I had to ponder the people in the apartment next door and their very loud and possibly dangerous bout of wall-punching, door-breaking and general screechiness at 2 am last night.
Celebrity Conceit:
In the spirit of Melanie Griffith, Star Jones is the latest personality to pervert her own website.
Curious George
I recently obtained some china that belonged to my husband's grandmother. I would like to find out where and when it was manufactured, except I have no clue how to go about it. I would like to start online with the research of the china. Any monkeys know of any web sites that I can look up the hallmarks on?
A concept (sort of) music video featuring the Rocketcam and 2+2=5. Damn cool, and the launch/touchdown is timed amazingly.
Water bears!
No, this isn't a double post; these bears are microscopic critters who slurp the innards of plant cells. Water bears dwell in oceans, ponds, swamps, caves, and backyards from Sweden to South Africa to Bloomington, Illinois. You may think these amazing little jelly-bags are extremophiles but they're really just waiting for something better.
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Book-A-Minute Classics!
Feed your head in under 60 seconds (or, probably, less). Great expectations, Jane Eyre, Light in August and the collected works of E.E. Cummings, others.