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August 14, 2004
This site
is a priceless resource for all interested in the semiotics of fried chicken sales.
And in the study of manky take-aways riddled with salmonella and rat faeces.
The Politics
of Burning Man. A conversation between Burning Man founder Larry Harvey and John Perry Barlow. [Via WorldChanging.]
Curious George: Hardware Gone Wild
I lost the C: drive, it was replaced, now the computer won't recognize the D: drive anymore. Well, sometimes it does.
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Yet another goof up by Google.
Our favorite search engine company goofs up by not registering Gmail, their much sought-after email service.
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President Saparmurat Niyazov - or Turkmenbashi, as he likes to be known - has just banned television presenters from wearing makeup.
Turkmenistan's crazy-ass president, whose recent decrees have included banning gold teeth, long hair, beards, gravity, cheese, peas, cheesy-peas and Barry Manilow, has told television presenters to stop wearing make-up because he had difficulty telling the men from the women.
Drunk Guy Jenga
If he wakes up, you lose. (via I Keep A Diary)
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that Everything Is Funnier With Monkeys."
Even, it appears, 19th century sex education.
August 13, 2004
"This site
contains all published fragments of Ancient Greek music which contain more than a few scattered notes. All of them are recorded under the use of tunings whose exact ratios have been transmitted to us by ancient theoreticians (of the Pythagorean school, most of them cited by Ptolemaios)." (RealAudio samples and MIDI files.)
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Remembering Julia Child
She changed chefs and cooking forever in the public eye. Her kitchen is in the Smithsonian. She loved food and loved to share it too.
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What if Ashcroft turns on his TV?
Hey - I have a great idea for a reality show: take six undocumented immigrants, and make them do Fear-Factor style tricks for a chance at a green card! Oh, the laughs we could have at their expense! But oops! As they say over at the halfbakery, that's not half-baked; it's already been baked: it's a real show, called Gana la Verde.
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eBay aquires 25% of Craigslist
One of the greatest (and quietest) successes on the internet, Craigslist is now 25% owned by eBay. Craigslist was founded by Craig Newmark, and has been a fixture of the Bay Area for almost a decade and has now spread out to cities world-wide. [story spotted on kottke.org].
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The Virtual Suck Tour Of Arlington, Massachusetts
This is a town near where I grew up. All the towns around there are pretty much the same.
Audiopad converts the positions and motion of objects on a tabletop surface into music.
check out those movies -- incredible.
check out those movies -- incredible.
Tell me what to like, O' djinni!
The eternal dilemma: finding new music you'll like without having to listen to scads of crap...
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I don't have a sense that there's a lot of anger
Larry King interviews the POTUS.
KING: You don't, so you think there's less civility in America?
G. BUSH: Not really. . . .When I travel the country, and I've been traveling a lot, there are thousands of people who come out and wave, and they are -- you know, they respect the presidency. Sometimes they like the president, but I have this -- I don't have a sense that there's a lot of anger.
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Research in the Buff
Submitted for all your nude researching needs: The American Nudist Research Library.
I. Am. So. Lazy.
Are you a lazy monkey too? There is hope.
"The monkeys under the influence of the treatment don't procrastinate."
This article
makes the valid point that we're getting carried away with our paranoia regarding Bush and terror. Your thoughts? Definitely made me stop and think.
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iPod vs the Cassette
There's someone who made an analysis about pros and cons of iPod and the old cassettes