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August 25, 2004
Curious "Beekeepers"?
All over North America today, hundreds, maybe even thousands of strangers gathered. They didn't just gather anywhere - they gathered around pay phones, lots of 'em. Guided only by a hijacked website, an expatriate's weblog, their own speculation, and a string of unexplained PDT times and GPS coordinates, they had learned enough to know that the phones were going to ring today, and that many of the unanswered ones will be ringing tomorrow, and the day after that as well. Why they're ringing - and why these people are picking up across the country - are questions that even they might have difficulty answering.
For some, it's a game; for others, it's a way of life. What the hell is this all about?
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"The meaning of the monstrous is critical to my work."
Monkeys and so much more: the allegorical art of Laurie Hogin.
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Monkey portraiture.
Seems appropriate.
August 24, 2004
Keep your hands off my screentime you damn dirty ape!!
Everyone's friends at The Forbidden Zone have re-edited Planet of the Apes into a Twilight Zone episode.
via boing boing more inside
via boing boing more inside
Interview with a Chernobyl engineer.
From where I stood I could see a huge beam of projected light flooding up into infinity from the reactor. It was like a laser light, caused by the ionisation of the air. It was light-bluish, and it was very beautiful. I watched it for several seconds.
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Frontier Psychiatrist
(RealVideo) by The Avalanches may well be the best music video of all time. An old lady on the drums, a talking turtle, and a skeleton DJ. What more could one ask for?
Spotting Astroturf
Real has messed with their bitch-o-site again (freedomofchoicemusic.org). You can't see the signers on their petition anymore (and the number of signers has magically shrunk to about 2275), and you can read an utterly disingenuous piece of propaganda masquerading as a faux Q&A session with Rob Glazer. Sample disinformation: "You buy a CD and you can play it back on any CD player. That’s the way it’s been for decades. Now Apple has tried to change the rules on consumers, but without warning."
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Plinian eruptions
are at the upper end of a volcanic eruption spectrum. Ejecting at a velocity of over 1000 mph, the ash columns in a Plinian eruption may reach 30 miles in height. Mt St Helens, during the first several hours, was a classic Plinian eruption, producing an 80,000 ft ash cloud, bizarre ash mammatus, and memorable eyewitness reports. They've been a subject of numerical simulations. Researchers speculate they may have been a factor in the Dark Ages.
Procrastination begone!
Have trouble focusing on your work when there is the tempting, tempting lure of the Internet? Here is the solution to your problem. Until it loses your root password.
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Swift Boats Speak Out!
You can stop waiting for the perfect response to the "Swift Boat Veterens". It's Swift Boats for Truth. Aw, isn't "Swiffie" cute (and doesn't "Karl the Pig" look familiar)?
Be(tt)er Brains
Alcohol drinkers perform better than teetotallers on cognitive function tests. [Abstract].
Tactics Core
Demo for a videogame. Highly addictive fun.
Sustainable living.
Tinkers' Bubble is 40 acres of woodland, orchards and pasture in south Somerset. It was bought by a group of environmentalists in 1994, and a dozen people moved in, applied for shares and built themselves temporary houses.
They imposed a strict set of rules on themselves, which included a ban on the use of internal combustion engines on the land.
Mashed Taters (Potatoes)
by eNiGMa the MoNKey. [Flash, via TheOneRing.net.]
Bob Dylan news and views.
24/7/365 when we're lucky.
One of the many fallouts from the 9/11 Commission is the suggestion that the CIA should be broken down into three separate agencies...but some are not so enthusiastic about it, as reported here.
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Curious George: Men's capri pants.
I'm looking for Men's capri pants, preferably cargo. Can you help me without telling me how much you love or hate these things?
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