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December 04, 2003
Racist Japanese gag gifts.
Fun for the whole family! Titles include "Hello Mr. Foreigner" (the nose and eyes), "Foreigner glasses and nose" and "Doo-wop Brothers" (the minstrel-show style costume). If only they had an online store.
Female Celebrity Smoking List
Possibly the most intense and creepily detailed website that I have ever seen.
December 03, 2003
Walmart will no longer being taking Mastercard debit card services because of excessive fees. But who's the one being hurt here? Does Walmart have the right to cry over large transaction fees when it turns around and forces employees to work off the clock?
Dear, Dear, Dear Santa
Once you get beyond the blood, it is really quite comforting...
"How the hell do you turn a phrase?"
- Discover the origins, however spurious, of your favourite phrases (in English, sorry).
Crawling towards christmas
Came across this when planning christmas drinks for the team at work. Also in the past I've done the Monopoly.
more inside
The perfect holiday gift!
Finally, something special for everyone in your life, from your significant other to your parents and the mailman: A nude photograph of yourself!
World might need massive layoffs
A new study(abstract) says that the current human population is unsustainable. There exists a decent risk of extinction via starvation and/or disease. The optimal maximum for a sustainable human existence is postulated to be a wordwide population of 6 million as opposed to the current 6.3 billion! The study examined 64 species, including humans and found that our contributions to carbon dioxide production, energy use, biomass consumption, and geographical range are the reasons for the eventually unsustainable species homeostasis. Ironically, the study doesn't seem to take into account human adaptability and mastery over technology, the very factors that have enabled us to reach the current state.
Most Obvious New Kids Exercise Yet...
Alright, I think you monkeys are ready for this, since the original Blogstop game has been declared over after 3000 posts, and the MetaFilter thread closed after 31 days and 1033 comments. The last word of an entry must be used as an acronym for the next entry. more inside
Alright, I think you monkeys are ready for this, since the original Blogstop game has been declared over after 3000 posts, and the MetaFilter thread closed after 31 days and 1033 comments. The last word of an entry must be used as an acronym for the next entry. more inside
Visual Poetry.
VisualPoetry translates any text into a series of images by looking up the words on Google image search and projecting the most relevant results as a slide show. [Via blog.org.]
Breaking the Gigapixel Barrier
This page contains what I believe to be one of the highest resolution, most detailed stitched digital images ever created. Ya, no kidding guy!! Purdy, though ...
Remarks by the President to 2003 NASCAR Drivers
"Congressman Mac Collins -- I knew he was a race car fan -- good to see you, Mac. You are a Bubba. (Laughter.)"
Thomas Midgley
Some have gone as far as saying that Midgley has had more impact on the atmosphere than any other individual in the course of history. He is responsible for the creation of leaded gasoline and Freon (the first CFC). He also worked closely with Charles Kettering, the man who created the first cruise missile. Indirectly, Midgley helped to form McDonalds.
And it would seem that nature is not without a sense of humour, either [Look at the last paragraph].
December 02, 2003
You get the coffee, I'll bring the Comix!
Take a
break, you work too hard. And put on a sweater.
(via Listen Missy)
Is that really possible?
If you thought putting in low temperature radiators, neons, and custom window jobs was usually the work of a car enthusiast, think again! Aren't you tempted to join the fun?