August 29, 2004

It's still about Flordia, stupid. By doing away with the witness requirement, Hood, Gov. Bush, and the Florida Legislature have removed the only existing brake on absentee-voter fraud. It's now open season in the Sunshine State. I know we've talked about this several times already, but apparently the truth still isn't obvious: Florida's voting system is so blatantly corrupt, it's outrageous. Whatever. Read for yourself, and wonder why this isn't all over the news.
  • Well actually, it is all over the news. This is the hotbed of political corruption. It's like being in the very core of the mafia, so to speak.
  • This "Flordia" sounds like a terrible place!
  • Oh wow. Totally didn't notice that one.
  • "You have a right to vote, but we don't gotta count 'em."
  • They can't keep track of their fosterkids, They lack the shame to keep their dirty secrets hid, We don't think much of anything these bastards did. We've not forgot the hanging chads, The dimpled, pregnent chads in scads, Nor those 'final counts', ill-done by cads. Course they make an awful fuss in Flordia And say they're big on law and ordia.
  • What I want to know is: if it is really so bad in Florida, why hasn't Snake Plissken escaped yet?