August 01, 2004

Metafilter Access [NSFW - someone posted goatse to Mefi]

Until Matt gets around to plugging the whole, there is a way for non-registered users to access MeFi. Read the thread to find out how.

  • That should have been "hole".
  • *Wondering who spilled the beans*
  • That's just lame.
  • It is lame, and doesn't bode well for a person hoping to become a member over there.
  • And through it all, Mayor Curley still has to prove he's a far larger ass than anyone else. Good job
  • The beans were spilled in a Metatalk thread; that's how I learned about it. The whole fracas is pretty embarrasing.
  • What we need is a 'login' to post three or four really good articles.
  • It's very funny, although it will cost Matt a little work. It should also be taken by the Mefelite as a compliment: so many people are interested in joining. If you will notice, not too many of the "logins" are posting immoral/illegal/offensive stuff. Most are just happy to be there. Like the people who demolished the Berlin wall.
  • this makes my day.
  • Ahahahahahh hahahahahhhhhhhhhha ahahahahhaahahaha! Snort! Ahahahahahhhahahaahh! Ahahaha! Ha! Bwahahahahahahhhaaahahahahaahaah! (Somehow ROFLMAO doesn't seem to cover it.)
  • I'll admit logging in just to see what it was like. It wasn't terribly interesting. There could've at least been an option to change the background color to hot pink or something.
  • i have been rather enjoying switching the default font for that login to 72pt Wingdings, but someone keeps figuring it out and changing it back.
  • I used to be a mefi lurker, then I found mofi, and I like it better. I've pretty much lost intrest in mefi since joining here.
  • I don't know... I mean, it's kind of funny on the surface, but there are other implications. 1. There will need to be much administrative pruning of threads and comments, and that sucks for mathowie; 2. The inconvenience of cleaning up the electronic poop on MeFi may very well turn mathowie against opening up registration for a very long time; 3. (this is the biggie) As a result of this, the overwhelming attitude of the MeFites seems to be one of "fuck lurkers, and fuck opening new registration." It seemed to me that the main reason memberships were even briefly opened last April (*gnashes teeth for missing it*) was because of an outcry from the current MeFi posters for new blood. It seems quite probable that they'll not come to bat for lurkers again. Of course, some of them are being incredible asshats about the whole "screw lurkers" thing right now, but it's kind of understandable (i mean, goatse for crying out loud? wtf?). I love MoFi, but would relish the idea of a MeFi membership as well, if only because I've wanted an account there for a while. Today, that desire seems less likely than ever to be fulfilled.
  • I have a MeFi account, but rarely use it. You guys are stuck with me. Sorry.
  • BTW, it looks like the server is on its way down.
  • Count me in the 'I like this place better' camp. That said, what a mess. Can someone tell me why no one has changed the password for the anonymous account to stop this? At least no one has discovered the other open acounts.
  • I've pretty much lost intrest in mefi since joining here. Yeah, no doubt, hd. I trust that the best of MeFi will make its way here; meantime, why should I waste my time wishing I were cool enough to be one of them? Community is what you make of it. As for the "login" mess contributing to the prolonged delay for open registration -- doesn't the anonymity of "login" provide more of a cover for idiots? I mean, if you've got your own personal account, aren't you less likely to be a shmuckbag than if you're just .. someone?
  • I've been following this event for a few hours now. I find it odd that this happened to hit at this point of time--I'd heard of the "login" long ago. I hope the login that signs his posts as "Steve" manages to get in. Unless that's just a front... Poor Matt.
  • The only time I posted to Metafilter was on the april fools wiki thing. Started off the short lived John Bonham is a monster theme. No one noticed it. Which was a shame, because John Bonham was a monster.
  • Yet another metafilter hand-job post on MoFi, surprise.
  • It's really weird, seeing how excited people are to be able to get in. I think the reason people feel like it's elitist is they're thinking of the Metafilter people as an elite, which is also weird, I mean, they just happened to get there first, and anyway like 16,500 of them probably never even post.
  • metafilter has crashed, now
  • dng - it's loading fine for me.
  • Noticed this. Possibly today's FPP/goatse lurker? Like dng, I'm going to miss the cookies when mathowie gets rid of this (which he surely must, now).
  • I think login's dead.
  • Father came home.
  • being closed off gives metafilter a small town dynamic which ensures that those who act out are conspicuous, and not an indistinguishable part of a general chaos. opening metafilter completely would take away from that. however, there are many longtime readers who, having observed how things work there over a period of months or years, would make excellent contributions to the site if they were allowed to join... unfortunately it seems that most metafilter users are protective of their place, and resistant to change. understandable, but again... unfortunate for the lurkers. while we're talking about mefi.... has anyone else noticed that recently the "best of the web" according mefi users appears to be articles from the new yorker? do they really need to link to every article in that fantastic magazine? it goes without saying that the new yorker is usually worth reading cover to cover. k.
  • Mefi is back up. All the niggers and goatses have been deleted. And so has the login account.
  • Funtime is over. The login no longer works. While I certainly don't envy the person that has to go clean up all the mess, on some level I think that it is carmic justice for keeping people out in the first place.
  • Now this, this is why inline images exist.
  • Theoretically the same could happen to Mofi. Anybody and his dog could register and start posting like mad. Until today, AFAIK, nobody did, but when we reach the penetration (there, I said it) of Mefi it will probably happen. Are there some semi-admins here that could delete those users as soon as possible before others think "hey, that's fun" and the whole thing snowballs? Or is user number 1 in timezone UTC+12 the only one?
  • That's what you think! LOLOL!!!11! Say, I like teh look of this place. Think I'll stay. posted by login at 10:13PM UTC on August 01 Uh-oh...
  • *sniggers*
  • the hell?
  • I don't mind lurking at Mefi (though, as someone in the 'login' thread pointed out, "lurking" implies you can post) because it makes me feel like Jane Goodall.
  • Cute.
  • I posted some comments and some pictures as login (not goatse) and I was ip-banned. It comes up with a null pointer exception error. But if I ssh into another ip I can access it fine.
  • Clear your cookies of
  • that did it
  • metafilter sucks for money
  • Th ip ban only workd for the front page (of metafilter and metatalk - i didn't try ask metafilter). You could still access the threads, and also access the front page by using
  • I liked the $10 signup fee idea that someone talked about on Ask MeFi. I also like MoFi just as it is, though.
  • Here's a mirror of the deleted thread (without goatse) for people who did other things on their Sunday.
  • Wow, that deleted thread deserves an anti-banana — (that's an italicized U+263D in case metaphilter screws up the encoding.)
  • So if it's normal person + anonymity + audience = total fuckwad, then doesn't it stand to reason that when we subtract the only thing we can subtract (audience -- ie, ignore the dimtwit), they'll stop being so obnoxious? I mean, what do you do when someone at the pub starts being a colostomy bag? You ignore em until you can't, and then you ask them to leave..
  • oh, you can't take quonsar seriously, scartol.
  • scartol, how do you ask someone you can't point to to leave?
  • can't we eliminate (to a degree) anonymity as well? It's a lot easier to ignore an overbearing jerkwad in a pub if you're there with friends. Isn't that what a lot of the getting-to-know-you C,Gs are about? As in, what the_bone and tracicle were talking about here. asking them to leave seems fairly simple though - tracicle can change their password for them easily enough. Harder to know when you're justified to doing so.
  • /chimes in with my two cents Mefi is interesting, great at times, crappy at times, and fun to lurk in. But since finding Mofi I've had absolutely no desire to join the blue. We've got a good community here, a way better signal to noise ratio, and less of the political bullshit. I'll still read Mefi, but I'm not a lurker anymore... I just don't have any desires to join it. Meanwhile, what we should be more concerned with is the fact that this could easily happen here. There's nothing wrong with closed memberships... Mefi was closed, so Mofi opened up. If in a year or so we start to get Senor Fuckwads as well, close it here, and a new M*fi will open. Sutureself hit it on the head - closed communties mean that if you act out it will be conspicuous, and you will get banned and not allowed back in. Also here's an idea. We have ORBS and whatnot to list known spammers, why don't the bloggers start a list of known fuckwads? Every time a new fuckwad's IP get's picked up on a blog, it gets submitted to the list, and automatically banned from all blogs that subscribe to that list. ....actually, damn, that strikes me as a pretty good idea. anyone?
  • Moofi? Also, about banning IPs: I'd hate to sit down in an internet cafe somewhere and find I wasn't able to read any blogs at all from it. - Just my thought whenever people talk about banning IPs.
  • PF: Good point. How difficult would it be to instead ban MAC addresses? I haven't not network programming in ages, but I seem to recall that the MAC should get encapsulated somewhere in the header of all IP packets.
  • s/not/done. Sorry, I'm tired and slightly drunk on a sunday. (:
  • Limiting membership is not a solution. It is like banning something. I am willing to risk the negatives that come with it because the positives outweigh the negatives. I'm not really worried about anonymity. People will try crappy things, but if one ignores them they will go away. To ban everyone is to exclude people who may be potentially valuable. The reason that people reacted so strongly to being able to post is that being able to post was such a big deal. If anyone can post, then it isn't a big deal. It is the limiting of access that created the problem, not the allowing of it.
  • Many people at Mefi do encourage Matt to reopen memberships and offer themselves as assistant system administrators, etc. Not like you guys need it; Mofi has it's own cool thing going on. Just saying not everyone there is all elitist about keeping people they don't know out of that party.
  • I am willing to risk the negatives that come with it because the positives outweigh the negatives. Yes, but you're not tracicle. She has to deal with the shit, she gets to make the decision. I like open membership, but if she closes it, it'll be because she's been driven to it, and I'll be totally supportive. You want membership open forever, start your own community blog.
  • This Goatse thing was a mystery to me. I first heard of goatse in Mofi archives. I didn't know what goatse was and wasn't that curious, until today. I think I burned my eyeballs by looking goatse up. Bad idea, that... curiousity killed the cat.... btw was once a Mefi lurker, but I like all you monkeys a lot more.
  • Of coure it is tracicle's ball and she can go home with it whenever she wants, but there are a lot better ways of dealing with trolls than putting up a "members only" sign. Slashdot allows ananymous comments but seems to be able to deal with it. Fark lets anyone open an account but they deal with it. It seems that if monkeyfilter as a community wants to deal with it, then we could. People are basically good and while tracicle can do whatever she wants, I just want to make sure that my opinion on the matter is heard. (and if I knew how I would put up my own filter, but I can barely manage a blog! I bow to her superior technical knowledge!)
  • ian would say: Dude, MAC addresses can be changed in software on most modern ethernet cards. And MACs don't survive routing. In IPV6 land you get a unique identifier, but that's a loooong, looong way off.
  • Yes, but you're not tracicle Where is that girl, anyway?
  • rodgerd: Yeah, I looked it up and forgot about that. I was used the MAC thing 'cause when I did a limited amount of network programming it was always across the same subnet, generally broadcast stuff. jccalhoun: Not that I mean to snarky, but referencing slashdot and fark as ways to handle an open account is one step above godwining this thread. You might as well have thrown K5 in there as well (for which I shed a tear, sigh). It's all about signal to noise ratio, man. (:
  • Why? I see slashdot as a pretty good way of handling open accounts. Anyone can say whatever they want, but you never have to see the stupidest stuff if you do not want to. (I purposely didn't throw in k5 because of the ongoing debates that site is having with open membership) It seems like with slashdot you can adjust the signal to noise ratio to whatever you want. (and what does godwining mean?)
  • Heh, you're definitely new to the bbs/blogs/communities... which is great, not a bad thing at all. Godwin info located here. But the more you hang out in these communities you realize that actually you can't adjust the signal to noise ratio with karma as slashcode uses, or moderation as scoop uses. Scoop actually has a fantastic system in place, by far the best moderation system on the net, but it still can't handle a load of much more than 30k users; after that, it all still goes to heck. I'm sure there's a thesis somewhere in creating the perfect moderation system, but so far they haven't evolved very far. And until they do, you're going to have idiots who muck things up for the civilized folk, and no matter how much you try to moderate or filter those idiots will still end up ruining a perfectly good community for the rest of us. Metaphilter uses an interesting moderation system; namely, none, but relies on the users instead. And so far it works pretty well, but only so long as the community stays small and self contained, where troublemakers can be rooted out and banned. Once you hit the >30k mark you can say goodbye to that. And anyways, the proof is in the pudding. 'login' gets discovered, and immediately goatse and racism are up.
  • Actually, I'm not new to it, just hadn't run into "godwining" before (I have heard about Godwin's law, and the recent k5 story about it, but i didn't put 2 and 2 together). Different people have different ideas of what a good signal to noise ratio is. I like slashdot's system because it leaves it up to me and as far as I know posts have never been deleted from slashdot (I can't stand the scoop system, since it seems more confusing). The slashcode sytem gives me, as a reader more flexibility to read. If I don't feel like reading 100 posts, I don't have to. A user can also go in and change how the various ratings are scored (For example I put "funny" at -2 since they tend to be the same jokes over and over). People have different goals, however. I come to mofi mainly for the exchange of ideas, rather than the community. I can see why people value the community aspect more highly than I do and I can see how /. lacks that. As far as what happened at mefi goes, as I said above, I see that the problem was caused by putting up the barrier in the first place. It is the old "don't eat from the tree of knowledge" thing. Once you make something forbidden, you make it tempting. I think that if it posting hadn't been limited, there wouldn't have been a problem (although I can see how someone would argue that it would just happen all the time, but I while I can't stand even the mildist bit of racism, I don't see what happened at mefi a big deal, but maybe /.'s noise has numbed me to it). But that isn't something that we can prove, but I would like to see people keep that possibility in mind.
  • Where is that girl, anyway? Hiding, shh. I took yesterday and most of Saturday off due to various non-online, birthday-related events. I'm a little tired. Looks like I missed out on Anyway, as to some of the comments above: I don't see much point in allowing anonymous commenting on MoFi when it's so easy to open an account. How many of you have opened up new accounts to post something silly the one time? That's the same thing. We're unlikely to have member capping (yes, I know, but I do like that phrase) unless the number of active accounts becomes horribly unwieldy, and I doubt we'll hit the five-digit membership numbers for a long, long time yet. Generally the only new accounts I've not activated are those with invalid email addresses (such as [email protected], which I had earlier and didn't understand until just now), or those that are blatant and really bad advertising attempts. Likewise I'm not concerned about account hacking on MoFi because there's no need for it. Even access to my account gets you very little, except a "Delete post/comment" button (now you know my secret!) and as far as I'm aware Metaphilter is reasonably secure anyway. No testing of that statement, please. And it is a bummer that someone abused the login account so blatantly. I hope it doesn't affect new account registrations on Mefi, whenever they will be. And specially for Testy Cod: MoFi was founded by Mefi lurkers who came here because they wanted something like metafilter to make up for not being able to join metafilter. I think it's reasonable once in a while to have discussions like these. And we've been fairly quiet on the topic for a while now. We've also talked about slashdot and kuro5hin's memberships in the past, so we're not total Mefi fangirls. Or boys. Or...something in the middle.
  • I'd like a MeFi account, but that JRun guy is hogging the board half the time.
  • I still don't understand the want (or need) to join MeFi. Occasionally, it would be nice to throw two cents at someone who's obviously wrong (because he/she/it is not a superior being like myself). The impulse usually passes when I remember what having a membership on /. has gotten me so far: less than zip, way less than squat, and no mortal enemies to speak of. On another note, I'm not sure these "online communities" are paying off the way everyone thought they would. It's pretty difficult to get to know someone when they're just words on a screen without any accompanying narrative.
  • tracicle: The only significant weakness in MoFi is the fact logins are in the clear, so login hijacking would be trivial for anyone determined to be a prick. Since SSL certs are prohibitively expensive, the only easy way around that would be to use fake certs for MoFi types who prefer an SSL login.
  • drivingmenuts: in what way would you expect an online community to pay off? I think Mefi and MoFi are pretty successful, but my expectations are possibly different to yours. I hadn't thought about SSL, rodgerd. But yeah, I was looking into the cost a couple of weeks ago for my accountant brother-in-law-to-be, as he's in charge of his company's website, and it was a silly amount of money. We're not exactly swapping government secrets here, so I doubt we'd need something that extreme.
  • It's really weird, seeing how excited people are to be able to get in. I think the reason people feel like it's elitist is they're thinking of the Metafilter people as an elite I can't see the fascination either, I think the Monkey craps all over Metafilter (and from a great height too). Mefi is a victim of its own success and my (not so original) theory is that online communities deteriorate as a function of their popularity and with the passage of time. I've always thought that Matt should spin off another Mefi every few years and allow it to develop its own personality and interests. Mofi demonstrates the point pretty well, I think. The membership size is still fairly small and comfortable, people are still nice to each other. However, one day it will need to do a little cell-division itself too, I suspect. Anyway, despite this impeccable argument, I'm sure there are still quite a few Monkeys who would like to get in there and drink wine with the gods (warning: there are NO bananas there). For those I have an old account that I'm willing to give away to whoever offers me the most pathetic reason why they should have it. Post it here and I'll announce the result in 24 hours and send the account details to the winner by email. note: the idea behind this is just for the fun but the offer is genuine. Hey, it's even a sub-10000!
  • Who will start the autoabasement-fest? Personally, I lack the courage.
  • Well, your the favourite so far, Wolof.
  • [more overnight]
  • JH, I scoff. Actually, the self-abasement idea sounds kind of nice... ...erm I need the account because I've got this documentary film by this guy who I think I should show it on the wall near the Republican convention or at least snippets of it because they totally should hear what it has to say or at least see it so it'd make a great fpp to get the word out... Good. There we have a light gilt layer of imitation pathetic, covering a sickening contempt, using thick, yellow, pasty sarcasm as glue. Actually, I feel so disgusting now I'd instantly auction off the membership on eBay, if I got it. I'll be slinking off back to bed now. Don't nobody follow the slime trail. I'll puke on you.
  • i can't believe i missed all the fun. stupid social life!
  • I linked to the Carter Family doing John Hardy, You're a Desperate Little Man yesterday in the folk thread. But I'm too proud and pissy to do an a href=. /girly-man wrist-slap
  • Here's pathetic ... I vote for PF. /inverted dickhead complex, but only in public
  • Wolof I hate you go shrivel up and die.
  • How many of you have opened up new accounts to post something silly the one time? I did. And it never got authorised. I'm sure whatever I wanted to say was going to be funny as fuck, too... (I might as well delete that account really)
  • Oh, here's the account.
  • Wolof I hate you go shrivel up and die Be careful now, or Little Embly will quit. /pathetic reference to old yet still shambling thread
  • How many of you have opened up new accounts to post something silly the one time? An unnecessary conceit, given the existence of the False Username/Comment Trick. Did you find out who signed up as God?
  • monkeyfilter: we're not exactly swapping government secrets here
  • I signed up as somebody and then forgot who before I could make my joke. Needless to say, the password has gone the way of the login.
  • 30k is the limit for usability and self-monitoring? gee... mefi is still under 18k. guess the 30k limit only works if the site isn't running coldfusion and windows, like mefi. (at least matt isn't running IIS anymore!) Response Headers - Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 13:54:42 GMT Server: Apache/2.0.49 (Win32) JRun/4.0 Content-Language: en-US Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100 Connection: Keep-Alive Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 good thing the mofi server and backend is more robust. i mean, this is frickin' unix folks. we'll be ok until well into the 30k range. Response Headers - Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 13:55:28 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.31 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.3.8 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.18 OpenSSL/0.9.7a X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.8 Content-Encoding: gzip Vary: Accept-Encoding Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100 Connection: Keep-Alive Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html
  • I still don't understand the want (or need) to join MeFi *with heavy-lidded eyes floating under a large purple crushed-velvet pimp hat like ping-pong balls in a bowl of soup, MC MoFi lights a big cigar and rolls it between his thumb and forefingers while the billowing smoke escapes towards the ceiling. "Lemme tell ya m'story man" he begins . . .*
  • JH, give me the MeFi account because: I believe Bush is a liar and the world must know.
  • It's pretty difficult to get to know someone when they're just words on a screen without any accompanying narrative Well, that's why some of us go to MoFi meetups, so we can meet the monkeys!
  • JH, I scoff. You may scoff, PF, but did I mention that this account comes with a genuine circa 2001 MetaTalk in-joke reference? Just think what that must be worth on eBay these days.
  • I wonder if GOD will get in. Assuming his home page is indicative of what he might contribute, he might be harder to scare off than Daisy_May was.
  • MonkeyFilter: Displaying the civility MeFi dreams of
  • Well poo. I was busy packing all weekend and now the link is broken. Would someone care to re-recap for me? There was an anonymous log in and then someone pooed all over metafilter?
  • OK, I'll bite. Never let it be said that I am unwilling to abase and humiliate myself for the entertainment of others. Reasons that John Hardy should give the_bone the MeFi handle: 1. My mom's maiden name was Hardy. No shit. Would I lie to you (don't answer that)? 2. Last March, mathowie posted something as an FPP to MeFi that I had posted here months earlier (I'm not suggesting he found it here, of course). I figure I should be able to just post stuff like that to MeFi and cut out the middleman. 3. I will make a little ASCII heart thingy for you. Like this: "I ♥ John Hardy." See? 4. I was totally crushed that I missed the last round of MeFi signups. /whinging 5. I will be able to bring my extensive knowledge of porn to the Blue. 6. There is no reason # 6. 7. If daisy_may ever invades the Blue, I'll be there to give her the smackdown. 8. I've now spent a considerable amount of time on one of my final days of vacation writing this post. That's kind of pathetic. 9. Um... I'll give you a gmail account (as I've done for a few other monkeys). Hell, I'll give you two of them. That way, you can use one as your real email, and use the other to register some ridiculous email address like [email protected].
  • One more reason: The word "rad" will appear on MeFi more frequently.
  • if they were nice they'd give MoFi *one* membership for all of us to share.
  • They did... it was called login! ;) (Kimberly: that link goes to Quonsar's mirror of the thread in question, in case you missed it above and want to see what the fuss was about)
  • pathetic reason for JH to give me the MeFi login: because if you don't, I'll end up drinking 99ยข malt liquor and lurking around Fark and being assaulted with Domo-kun and "god kills kitties" images until my head ah-splodes.
  • to JH: All of the following facts are true. 1)My mother was a poor farm girl growing up. She got one dress a year, cut from calico sacks of chicken feed. 2)My father narrowly avoided death three times, twice in Vietnam and once in a deathmatch with renal cancer. 3)I am so fucking pathetic as to pimp my parents' former sufferings for my own profit. 4)I have no pets. I cannot afford them. 5)Sometimes I have to go a whole week without buying beer (see #4). 6)I am much nicer than hama7 or 111, and I will tell them so. 7)My right lung collapsed when I was was 19. 8)I am so fucking pathetic as to pimp my former sufferings for my own profit. 9)I love you. Sincerely, middleclasstool
  • Um... Adendum to my previous reason for JH giving me MeFi membership: I will totally give you a dollar.
  • Pathetic and threatening -- if JH doesn't give it to me, I'm going to email this guy a kitten.
  • John Hardy- what is the metafilter account that is available? just curious. the_bone looks strong in the running. i believe "rad" may have put him over the top. whoever wins should promise to post PF's docu-link
  • RXR - it's lagado. And someone already did post it, in a very strange way, in a probably deleted post I can't find just now that was also a self-link and quite obscurely worded and was a fun thread to read. So, John Hardy, shall we put it to a vote or are you deciding unilaterally?
  • Now I'm a little scared about what I've started here. Patheticness was a subject I thought I had some expertise in (this whole exercise being an example for instance). But how to decide? I think the best approach is to put it to a vote... So just like November, folks, vote early, vote often. Actually the account is not lagado, it's this one (which as hinted at earlier I created to do a dumb once-off post).
  • Wolof - that cat site deserves its own FPP. I posted it to metafilter, with a "via Monkeyfilter", but you should post again to our front page.
  • my bad
  • Well, gang, I don't know who to vote for... the_bone v. tempting. Not alone for radditude. middleclasstool also tempting, for sheer quantity of pathos. Or should I write in flashboy? or path? or the qnk? I would be willing to consider accepting a very small donation
  • path, for all the work on tracicle's present!
  • forks, because it was his birthday yesterday
  • Right. My [first] vote, for forksclovetofu! (Anyone want to buy the second? Bids start at $5... payable also in My Little Pony...)
  • Well, SOMEBODY noticed. Thanks Dng. I should update that sad sack post from before sometime soon...
  • Whoa now. I'm holding out for the ipod.
  • Why JH really need to give me a MeFi membership? Because my old account doesn't work anymore.
  • I vote for me. Twice.
  • I vote for the_bone.
  • A reason: He kicked daisy_may ass. Enough said.
  • Alright, fine. I vote for me three times.
  • One vote for Forks. Final admission of patheticness ... I barrack for Port Power.
  • I vote for all those who applied. Could they all share it? "login" appeared to be available for anyone who signed in. There's a bunch of talent in the monkeys who asked to get into the blue, and I'd seriously miss them if they stopped posting here (sob.) But, they all deserve the best, whether that's there or here. I'd guess they'd have to coordinate their posts to keep from going over the limit, and multiple comments that argued with each other might be a littl suspicious, but what the hey. And, thanks for the thought about writing me in, but I wouldn't be much of a poster, mostly just a commenter, which mathhowie has said he doesn't want.
  • Use the spare "h" with care.
  • And the winner is... Firstly, I really want to apologise for making you Monkeys jump through hoops over this. I've been feeling rotten about it all day but in the end I decided to see this thing all the way through. I promise not to pull a stupid stunt like this again. Ultimately I just couldn't decide between the posts (although an honourable mention has to go to the_bone) and the voting approach didn't really help clarify things any better. So rather than make an impossible decision I'm going to follow path's suggestion offer the account to anyone who participated, candidates and voters alike. Expect an email from me later today. For those Monkeys too shy to put themselves forward, this offer applies to you as well. Just send me an email before midnight tonight (Monkey Time) with the word "Mefi" in the subject and your Monkeyfilter username and I'll respond. I'm certain that Mefi can only benefit from your input. This may not last long, however, especially if someone goes all "login" over this. Go there and raise the tone, folks, and please only use your new powers for niceness.
  • I promise not to pull a stupid stunt like this again. Don't be silly, it was a laugh.
  • John Hardy, magnanimous man.
  • MetaTalk thread starting in 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. Seriously, it's a great idea, but I have the feeling that some people at MeFi may not be very happy about it. I think it might be prudent to send an e-mail to Matt (if you haven't already done so?), just to make sure he doesn't have any objection.
  • Very generous of you, sir. I promise not to post midget barnyard pr0n to the blue. Much.
  • Mail sent. I promise not to pull a stupid stunt like this again. Okay, so I lied.
  • No everyone will just have fights over who can post, and when...
  • Heh heh heh. puts the dollar back in his pocket. sucker.
  • If you tell Matt, I strongly suspect he'll shut down the account. It seems to me he's made it clear he doesn't like the idea of usernames changing hands, and the idea of one being used by a bunch of people has got to be even worse. (Especially these days.) I'm not going to spill the beans, but SlightlyFoxed is right -- it's going to wind up in MetaTalk, or at least Matt's mailbox. Your fun may be of very short duration.
  • You're probably right, lh, but it would be a damn shame. Unlike "login" this account would not be used by random people, but by people known by John Hardy. People who do have a lot better things to say than a great many who do have accounts on mefi, including myself. (I feel guilty at times for having been lucky, and then finding that I still read mofi more. If anyone ever wants to post responses to things on mefi, email them to me, and I will post it with your name and userpage here attached.)
  • I only wanted it for the cookies...
  • Anyone that pretends to use JH please restrain to mention not being JH. Keep the illusion. It will be our secret, and it will be fun! Tracicle, delete any references to this. Cover our trails! Please!
  • nothin' but blue skies ahead
  • just post in different dialects, it'll be cool. your id says you're 21, right?
  • I, for one, welcome our new Z******B***** overlords. But you're definately getting off on the wrong foot by being the first commenter in a mathowie thread, accusing him of Farkish behavior. Whoever did that, please step forward to the bucket o' cocks and bend over.
  • Yep, wrooooooooong foot. Bad idea.
  • I notice the member count on the metafilter front page is about a thousand less than it used to be. Has there been some mass cull of dead accounts, do you reckon?
  • Wendell, the Thinkum ad has me completely hooked. I want me some gold Thinkum big time.
  • I notice the member count on the metafilter front page is about a thousand less than it used to be. Has there been some mass cull of dead accounts, do you reckon? I had an email conversation with matthowie about my old Mefi account that I couldn't get into anymore. Still can't BTW, because I forgot my username and my password. I pointed him to several accounts that are totally dormant, but he didn't want to give me the account mare. Too bad.
  • Has there been some mass cull of dead accounts, do you reckon? The sidebar now says: "Aug 3 - I locked every account that had an identical username and password, so if you're trying to post or login and getting errors, let me know and we can fix the situation. I've also deleted a few hundred unused accounts that someone used a bot to sign up a couple years ago. Still working on solidifying everything before turning new user signups back on."
  • Thanks. I hadn't seen that (obviously).
  • Is Matt implementing MeFi's terror level alert? Is MeFi gonna launch a preemptive strike against MoFi on presumption of we being a anonymous terrorists/comenters heaven? Stay tuned...
  • It'd be cool if he would extend memberships to us. What are the odds that he'll reopen memberships this year, on a basis that doesn't require me to be Quick Draw McGraw?
  • Not Quick Draw McGraw, you have to be Ricochet Rabbit...
  • But you're definately getting off on the wrong foot by being the first commenter in a mathowie thread, accusing him of Farkish behavior. Whoever did that, please step forward to the bucket o' cocks and bend over. Yep, you're going to be eating dinner off this from now on.
  • jb, I feel the same way. I feel terrible that I barely read Mefi now, but I hardly have time enough in the day to read all of MoFi, so something had to give. I'll just say that if Matt does signups the same way next time, I'll take advantage of my timezone to get as many monkeys in as possible. Also, yes, whichever ZippityBuddha that was, it's AdSense, not coincidence. Like lagado said...hey! It's like he's talking to himself! Only...not.
  • John, can I just say I love that plate to freaking death and I would totally have a vasectomy if it allowed me to have sex on it?
  • Sounds like an absolutely capital suggestion.
  • jb: If anyone ever wants to post responses to things on mefi, email them to me, and I will post it with your name and userpage here attached. I occasionally have to grit my teeth when I have a fantastic and unpostable response to an AskMeFi query, so this offer is absolutely appreciated.
  • *prays to baby Jesus that the plate and motto are in fact real*
  • a man whose head is made up entirely of penises. I've had days where it sure seemed like that. Y'know?
  • it's real. Imagine the impact if you'd just finished eating a pasta off it. 16th century humour at its best.