May 21, 2007

Pirates! Scans of all sorts of goodly resources. Anyway, can't stop, off to ride the monk.

May 10, 2007

Gaelic psalm singing Yale music professor Willie Ruff thinks it might be the roots of gospel music in America. Whatever the truth of that, it's one of the most glorious sounds on God's good earth, a profound spiritual happening.

May 07, 2007

Calling crane in the shade Author SJ Marshall's great resource on the 易经, or I-Ching. Use the Book of Changes to access profound insights from the ancients, perhaps add your own hippy claptrap, or even enjoy other surprising interpretations.

April 26, 2007

"We are not starting a party because we have an ideology...a vision for a better Bhutan. We are starting a party because the king has ordered us." Democracy is coming to Bhutan by royal fiat.

April 18, 2007

Shirker! I love how he's going to work on his own garden instead. Bless.

April 17, 2007

Spectacular Times "Larry Law's renowned series of situationist booklets. Probably the easiest to understand introduction to Situationist thought around." more inside

April 09, 2007

Outlaws and Highwaymen Nice set of quotes and texts about English robbers, designed to accompany a book but much more than just puff.

March 29, 2007

Digitised version of Matteo Ricci's 1602 map of the world. Via

March 22, 2007

Uyghur goes pop! Fully downloadable album (with samples to try before you don't buy) of pop music from Xinjiang, aka East Turkestan, home to the Uyghur.

March 09, 2007

China’s Most Incredible Holdout An apparently extreme case of refusing to make way for the property developers down in Chongqing.

March 02, 2007

Police chase goes a bit wrong [Youtube] Neat footwork by the lad on the bike, though he's probably adjusting his tactics in future Via.

February 26, 2007

Paper Gods Nice little collection of old Chinese religious images.

February 13, 2007

London: A Life in Maps Lovely microsite from the British Library. As well as the maps, some nice e-cards to send, and even a Google Earth layer. Cor blimey!

February 10, 2007

Daleks as a force for good Missed this at the time. Would that all pitiless mutants bent on universal domination exhibited such a fine social conscience.

January 02, 2007

Trio A lovely seasonal poem by Edwin Morgan is briefly available to read online. More from perhaps Scotland's greatest living poet at the Poetry Archive.

December 26, 2006

Free monkeys on the NHS! Err, sorry, no more inside

December 25, 2006

Religious popular music from Upper Egypt The munshidin (en français) of upper Egypt. Just one of the many music resources at bolingo.

December 22, 2006

Population mortality and football results "On days when the local professional football team lost at home, mortality attributable to acute myocardial infarction and stroke increased significantly in men... No increase was observed in women." Via

December 15, 2006

Baka Pygmies Culture, music and rites of initiation in the Central African rainforest.

December 11, 2006

Victor Jara The death of Augusto Pinochet set me thinking of one of his many victims, singer Victor Jara. Here's some mp3 rarities and pictures of a man whose torture and murder encapsulate the brutality of Pinochet's regime.
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