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July 22, 2004

A British magpie named Thatcher has been banned from his regular Pub The clever bird enjoyed drinking lager so much he would steal it from patrons - and sometimes attack their kids - and squawk angrily if not given his beer. Yes, this post is both a weird animal story and about beer - subjects very close to my heart. This link also contains a picture of a guy drinking a pint - be warned - may cause thirstiness more inside
Curious George: RSS Ehrm, am I the only one who reads MonkeyFilter through an RSS reader? I often get strange errors in the RSS feed. Wrong linkage, or just malformed posts. Take for example the html from the RSS of the previous post:
more inside
The 8-year legal fight over the 9,200-year-old skeleton of Kennewick Man than with American Indians) is finally over, but the scientists face a new wrangle: access to the remains. more inside
Jealous of Orang-Pendek, a 5-yr old black macaque at an Israeli zoo has begun walking upright in human-like manner after a close brush with death. With a picture.
An Intuitive Explanation of Bayesian Reasoning.  [Contains Java]
Design by serendipity: you supply the text, typoGenerator googles random images and adds effects for interesting results.

July 21, 2004

Curious George: Hey Monkeys! We know you more inside
And you thought you left sororities behind in college... An exclusive girls' club in our nation's capital whose members are concerned with the important issues of the day: philanthropy, networking, ending child abuse and clubbing.
Oh wow, he really said that didn't he. Nicely put. more inside
Join the Army, get free plastic surgery! And, yes, that includes boob jobs.
Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood is lying... and I can prove it. (more inside)
"As Fred ran away, mineral oil shot out of his ass..." A heartwarming, illustrated tale of a man, his cat Fred, and an enema. [via Bifurcated Rivets]
Should be nice to find a "mouse" worth millions or is it? Government once again pulls a "Big Brother" on it's constituents (not OUR government, surprisingly) saying "Keep the sweat, we'll keep the money"....honey
Castle. Yet another highly addictive flash game (requires flash (duh) ). Save your castle from evil stick figures!
Betcha didn't know about Association of Lifecasting International, a group of artists who do "lifecasts" of full bodies and body parts. (Don't worry, SFW.) Perhaps preserve your posterior for posterity? Or what other body part of yours would you like "lifecasted"?
The Daily Show wins an award for news programming? this seems pretty funny to me. and sort of sad that a fake news show gives me better news than the real news shows. more inside
An interior ministry spokesman says the story is "stupid". Reuters doesn't have the story on its front page, but it's still under Top Stories here. Ho hum.
Everyone loves Magical Trevor. Well, I don't know about everyone, but I really really love Magical Trevor. By the makers of Badgers, The Lord and the wonderful Scampi.
Tokelau--.tk domain names are free The island nation of Tokelau believes "that the Internet was supposed to be 'Free'. Meaning no charges, payments or expected return favors." Me too.
Old English Computer Glossary It doesn't have monkey or filter, but it does have "ofostlic and unclænlic". more inside
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