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December 11, 2008

The Single-Link Video Thread Occasionally, I come across a video I think Monkeys would find interesting, but which falls into an awkward category. There’s no thematically-related thread to post it in or it’s too interesting to bury in a older related thread, but I don’t feel it’s significant enough to warrant an FPP of its own. I know opinion is divided on single-link video FPP’s; heck, even my own opinion is divided on the matter. So, I thought I’d put up this thread for a couple of videos I wanted to link, and for a place for others to do the same if they want.
Mammarial advice from J-Lo
Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before.
Wonder Woman and the Phallic Symbol Because fighting crime can be hard. A suggestive, but entirely SFW collection of old WW comic book covers.
42 Magnificent Works of Modern Earth and Land Art.

December 10, 2008

It's December 10th. Did you call in Gay today?
Twilight: a review. (With bonus added sex scene, so text may be NSFW.)
Jumping in Art Museums. [Via]

December 09, 2008

Munch a Bunch The character ofJohn Munch (played by Richard Belzer) has appeared on more TV series (TEN!!!) than any other in history, according to IMDB and Wikipedia 1, Wikipedia 2. via
Charger Escape Sweet wee point'n'click game, fer GramMa (and other horsey monkeys).
Austenbook (spoilers.)
Oliver Postgate Dead. The creator of Bagpuss, the Clangers and Ivor The Engine (amongst others) has died. These were some of the best loved children's TV shows in the UK for pretty much everyone over the age of 30. more inside
Lost Tribes of the Green Sahara.

December 08, 2008

Is it getting warmer in here? An 11 minute animated video that does a very nice job of explaining climate change..
The Palm Pistol: a gun "designed for people who have trouble firing a normal handgun due to arthritis and other debilitating conditions." Its manufacturers are trying to get it classified a medical device to allow a purchaser a rebate under Medicare.
This online advent calendar from MoFi member dirtdirt makes me smile.
Thank You President George W. Bush A website where you can 'thank' George Bush for all he's given us over the past eight years. Be sure to sign your 'name', or some other heartfelt message. [via teh 'kette]
The Simpsons rip off = child porn. A NSW Supreme Court judge has ruled an internet cartoon in which lookalike child characters from The Simpsons engage in sexual acts is child pornography. more inside
And now, a singing crocodile dressed as a cowboy teaches you to meditate. [Via]

December 07, 2008

Dreams. A spot the difference game, which has different, er, differences each time you play. I quite like the artwork.
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