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July 30, 2008

Mande Barang (Indian Yeti) hairs are to be DNA tested. Mande Burung encounters have apparently been on the increase in recent months. more inside
Harry Eng was a master of "Impossible Bottles". Harry would tell you straight away that everything went through the neck of the bottle... THINK! more inside

July 29, 2008

A little on Little House. Melissa Gilbert will star in a new musical of Little House on the Prairie. But as 'Ma' Ingalls? What? more inside
The breeding properties of M&Ms Someone posts a message to Roger Ebert's blog about how he makes M&Ms "duel" to figure out which is stronger. more inside
Curious Holidays George Want to go on holiday soon. Don't know where. Please help! more inside
Warp Drive Engine Would Travel Faster Than Light. "It is possible to travel faster than light. You just wouldn't travel faster than light."

July 28, 2008

Curious George and the Required Reading List. What books are you ashamed not to have read? What books are you ashamed to have indeed read? [Blatantly lifted from der blau.]
Curious George: Intelligent heterogeneous political forum? Is there a forum (in the Interwebs sense, with threaded messages) about politics featuring an intelligent user base, made up of people with varying ideologies? more inside
Cuil has opened its doors to requests today. Brought to you by former Google employee Anna Patterson. Supposedly, Cuil's search index spans 120 billion Web pages, reportedly 3 times what Google has indexed.
Everybody needs cube toys!! . . Generate your own job title. Decorate your cube. Stay motivated.
AND ARE YOU? Ethical, that is. The Times (London) has this "Moral DNA Test." Interesting.

July 27, 2008

Fire in the Big Top! . The Hartford Circus Fire Well written essay An American Circus Tragedy Great information, hideous website Who was Little Miss 1565?
Happy Birthday Monkeybashi !!! Many happy returns! Thank you again for this wonderful site, where we've made friends, had fun and generally hung loose.
Wired Magazine Looks Back at War Games, the movie that popularized computer geeks. more inside

July 26, 2008

REALLY irrelevant "The dot over the letter i is called a tittle," and why doesn't a duck's quack echo? Totally random facts that have nothing to do with anything other than it's out there!

July 25, 2008

The Curmudgeon VS. Trebek- Josh Fruhlinger, author of the wonderfully snarky and Mary Worth obsessed blog, The Comics Curmudgeon, appeared on Jeopardy this week. This is his story. more inside
Girly post ! Oh, you silly girls and your shoes more inside
Guinea pig festival in Peru. Aw, look, they've dressed their guinea pigs up as people. Now what are they doing? Oh...
Ella Enchanted: Ella Mind Control! I occasionally run across advertisements or movies whose main purpose seems to be the reinforcement or triggering of covert MK Ultra mind control programming.... "Enchanted" or "bewitched" are code words for mindcontrolled, so the movie title might as well read "Ella Mind Controlled". Just one of many photographic examples on this site of covert government and corporate wickedness. Bring your tinfoil hat! more inside
Foxconn deliberately sabotaging their BIOS to destroy Linux ACPI? - Foxconn make motherboards, and some of these do not comply with ACPI industry specification, and will not support features such as hibernate and suspend, as well as fan control and thermal zone on a non-Windows operating system. Malice or "we decided we didn't really care about Linux about halfway through the BIOS writing process so we just left whatever we had at the time in there and called it a day," - you be the judge. more inside
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