I've been keeping my head down for other reasons (moficdx group 7 i have not forgotten you) but in a case like this i think should at least stick my hand up and say i'm fine and was nowhere near the centre of London today. The others hopefully have probably just got delayed by combination of a long walk back out of town and the sudden tropical showers this evening.
Oh, and this is probably obvious but i'll mention it just in case: the fact that you are using quark should not even be a issue. It's simply a tool and you should not leave any 'toolmarks' on the finished product. Also with this in mind start laying out the mag on paper to begin with - it's quicker and more fluid. Disclaimer: i rarely follow these guidelines myself but i SO know i should.
There is a book i always keep on my shelf called The Form Of The Book (that's the book's name not the shelf's name - i haven't quite decided if i should begin naming my shelves yet; Kevin seems like a decent name for a mid-height shelf...) ... er yeah, anyway TFOTB is by Jan Tschichold and is sub-titled "essays on the morality of good design". It gives you a solid grounding in the 'anatomy' of type layout and book design. Once learned you can break the rules. Note that the hardback and is insanely priced after ten or so years (woot! ebay here i come!). Tschichold has done a shed load of other good reference books on design since so i have some catching up to it seems. Also see Edward R. Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information as another solid place to start. Checking your local or school library seems the best bet as design books are notoriously pricey.
For a quicker fix and on a more contemporary tip there is Before & After magazine, who do a weekly newletter and have nifty downloadable tutorials.
I kinda meant to stop this new years and totally forgot, till i saw this George - I've bookmarked this page and will come back and carry on reading eveyone's comments in the days to come.
A big big big thanks to Koko for starting this post - and for the rest of you monkeys, i have never seen so much help on a page before.
Oh i don't know, man if i'd won the Spiral Gumball Machine (wtf?) i'd totally sp*** out!
Face it, some monkeys just go mad for crap.
I think this is why my tv watching days are long gone.
I would have been there. i wooda. i wooda.
friend had a birthday party in n.london
no really..
fuck it
it would have have weird fun, i know it.
hope you had the weirdness regardless.
Whenever i wandered past that bar i'd often wonder what it was all about - Thanks MthNja, sounds like the right time to try it out. So far i'm good for any day bar the 11th & 14th.
Is there a web award equivalent of the OBE or the mercury music services to music and making the world a better place?
If not why not?
Forksclovetofu the winnaaaaaar!
Hey this was fpp on mefi yesterday. I'm in no way criticizing it being here as well, i'm just thinking that another fpp they had the same day should have after and not just before.
"...another large McVoddy please" ... "hmm.. that Ronald". [windows media]
I had no idea what the hell i wanted to be, while my best friend at primary school wanted to be an 'engineer' - i was amazed that he was so certain, and wondered how he came to make a choice that sounded so serious. He went to be something in IT last i heard, which is the equiv' in some form or other. It wasn't till i was 20 or something that "being in charge of a design studio" seemed to appeal, and lo that came to pass - for a while, and what with the prevelance of digital media somehow, now, people tend to think i am 'something in IT'!
Perhaps i should have said robo-pirate.
Oh Johnny Plee.
Distressed, distraught and quietly wailing that growing up listening to him enriched my youth.
Long live the King.
Going for drinks with some old school mates to drown this sudden sorrow.
I've been keeping my head down for other reasons (moficdx group 7 i have not forgotten you) but in a case like this i think should at least stick my hand up and say i'm fine and was nowhere near the centre of London today. The others hopefully have probably just got delayed by combination of a long walk back out of town and the sudden tropical showers this evening.
posted by zimf 19 years ago
In "MoFi CD Swap 4!"
Count me in also - phew, to think i was so kind a down about missing the last one and that i just noticed this thread.
posted by zimf 19 years ago
In ""
Poink! Poink! Couldn't find one for cattle, will this one do
posted by zimf 19 years ago
In ""
Oh, and this is probably obvious but i'll mention it just in case: the fact that you are using quark should not even be a issue. It's simply a tool and you should not leave any 'toolmarks' on the finished product. Also with this in mind start laying out the mag on paper to begin with - it's quicker and more fluid. Disclaimer: i rarely follow these guidelines myself but i SO know i should.
posted by zimf 19 years ago
There is a book i always keep on my shelf called The Form Of The Book (that's the book's name not the shelf's name - i haven't quite decided if i should begin naming my shelves yet; Kevin seems like a decent name for a mid-height shelf...) ... er yeah, anyway TFOTB is by Jan Tschichold and is sub-titled "essays on the morality of good design". It gives you a solid grounding in the 'anatomy' of type layout and book design. Once learned you can break the rules. Note that the hardback and is insanely priced after ten or so years (woot! ebay here i come!). Tschichold has done a shed load of other good reference books on design since so i have some catching up to it seems. Also see Edward R. Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information as another solid place to start. Checking your local or school library seems the best bet as design books are notoriously pricey. For a quicker fix and on a more contemporary tip there is Before & After magazine, who do a weekly newletter and have nifty downloadable tutorials.
posted by zimf 19 years ago
Too late. Suffixing advance apologies. No good. Damn you HB. Eeesh!
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "Smoke-Free George"
I kinda meant to stop this new years and totally forgot, till i saw this George - I've bookmarked this page and will come back and carry on reading eveyone's comments in the days to come. A big big big thanks to Koko for starting this post - and for the rest of you monkeys, i have never seen so much help on a page before.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "Guy spazzes out on "The Price is Right""
Oh i don't know, man if i'd won the Spiral Gumball Machine (wtf?) i'd totally sp*** out! Face it, some monkeys just go mad for crap. I think this is why my tv watching days are long gone.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "MoFi London Meetup 3"
... although i have slightly more hair than 'none'.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
Ow Plegmund, cheers for mockery shoutout on flickr, that's SO captured my look.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
I would have been there. i wooda. i wooda. friend had a birthday party in n.london excuse.. excuse.. no really.. fuck it it would have have weird fun, i know it. hope you had the weirdness regardless.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "I can't stop laughing at this."
Maybe it's the geek in me but i found more humour in the scroll bar being on the left.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "MoFi London Meetup 3"
Whenever i wandered past that bar i'd often wonder what it was all about - Thanks MthNja, sounds like the right time to try it out. So far i'm good for any day bar the 11th & 14th.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
Oh what the hey, i might turn up for a schnappsie dram or two. Any idea when?
posted by zimf 20 years ago
Is there a web award equivalent of the OBE or the mercury music services to music and making the world a better place? If not why not? Forksclovetofu the winnaaaaaar!
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "Fuck the South"
FUCKTHESOUTH.COM Registrant: Jonathan Swift - - - - FUCKTHENORTH.COM Registrant: Domains by Proxy, Inc. Comedy!
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "Can you turn crappy vodka into good vodka using nothing more than a Brita filter?"
Hey this was fpp on mefi yesterday. I'm in no way criticizing it being here as well, i'm just thinking that another fpp they had the same day should have after and not just before. "...another large McVoddy please" ... "hmm.. that Ronald". [windows media]
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "curious George"
I had no idea what the hell i wanted to be, while my best friend at primary school wanted to be an 'engineer' - i was amazed that he was so certain, and wondered how he came to make a choice that sounded so serious. He went to be something in IT last i heard, which is the equiv' in some form or other. It wasn't till i was 20 or something that "being in charge of a design studio" seemed to appeal, and lo that came to pass - for a while, and what with the prevelance of digital media somehow, now, people tend to think i am 'something in IT'! Perhaps i should have said robo-pirate.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "RIP John Peel"
Oh Johnny Plee. RIP. Distressed, distraught and quietly wailing that growing up listening to him enriched my youth. Long live the King. Going for drinks with some old school mates to drown this sudden sorrow.
posted by zimf 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: Coconuts."
What do you think 'been doing' since i got back. Typing on horseback is not ideal methinks
posted by zimf 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)