Wow, Keynes is the kicker, the ideas that dragged the US out of the depression termed one of the most harmful, in the same list as Mein Kampf. Crackpots.
This is really no different than using long range artillery, or surface to air missiles. Just another delivery mechanism is all, a smarter one perhaps, but still just a way of projecting hurt.
Taxpayer supported flood insurance, where can I get me some of that? You also have to consider that it's almost impossible for these folks to sell these houses to be able to move elsewhere (insurance is specifically to rebuild you can't just take the cash and buy an RV). Sure they picked a crappy spot but folk live in a lot of places that are subject to some sort of natural disaster waiting to happen. Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood etc
What difference does it make what they choose to wear? We have freedom of religion here right? So shouldn't we be tolerant of people displaying their faith. I think I'd be quite comfitted with a nice big Thou Shalt Not Kill emblazoned on some scrubs.
I apologise for my deja comment. I read both, always one after another and this link was the top one at both sites. I added the comment at MeFi first, because I saw it here first, but then tried to be all clever by doing the sameish comment here. Had the posts not both been at the top on both sites I probably wouldn't have even noticed. I also hate comments that don't relate to the post and instead whine about em, and I officially withdraw both comments. As you were.
Um, no, that is really not what I need. Shudder. These guys knocked one out for me and it came out really well but their customers ervice was a little lacking and I think their prices were a bit high.
I never said that DeBeers' great marketing didn't create the demand, it did, what I'm saying is that a demand exists, it's not artificial. You may get the last word here because I gotta scoot. Nice chattin with ya (I'll check in tomorrow)
It's self righteous because you're claiming it's an artificial demand, there is no such thing, it's a very real demand and that's how they can charge such high prices. It's self righteous because you come across as though you think you're a better person because it's a purchase you wouldn't make. Do you drive a car? What make? Do you buy goods that are made in China? Is all the coffee you drink freetrade?
Also as others have pointed out Canadian diamonds are readily available negating any political implications of buying a diamond.
shawnj, huh? I realise you're trying to rephrase my words as some kind of comeback but I didn't quite get it. But even paraphrased the sentiment is spot on, the hemp shirt and the nologo paperback are being marketed and sold. If that's what you want to spend your money on have it, but to get on the snooty train because you someone made a purchase you personally wouldn't have is simply a waste of time. A diamond ring is a luxury item, people have attributed value to baubles since forever.
Those are very cool photos. Good post.
posted by zeoslap 18 years ago
In "How not to parent."
The overdone Daily Show stylee commentary really isn't in keeping with the very tragic content of the subject matter.
posted by zeoslap 19 years ago
In "Curious George: "
moneyjane visit?
posted by zeoslap 19 years ago
In "The Ten Most Harmful Books"
Wow, Keynes is the kicker, the ideas that dragged the US out of the depression termed one of the most harmful, in the same list as Mein Kampf. Crackpots.
posted by zeoslap 19 years ago
In "Get Outfoxed!"
So I tried to register but it keeps saying unknown userid even after a couple of password resets. Coupla kinks me thinks.,
posted by zeoslap 19 years ago
In "Curiously Jittery George: "
Jerky playback is usually due to an underpowered cpu or graphics card, especially apparent with higher resolution clips.
posted by zeoslap 19 years ago
In ""
I always thought they should make the baskets higher because when basketball was invented folks weren't so freakishly tall as they are now.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "MoFi T Shirt Orders"
So what's the word on the shirts?
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "Who elected the Pentagon as Mayor of CRAZYTOWN ?"
Also they don't break the rules because they only kill enemy combatants, not humans....
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
This is really no different than using long range artillery, or surface to air missiles. Just another delivery mechanism is all, a smarter one perhaps, but still just a way of projecting hurt.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "This landslide"
Taxpayer supported flood insurance, where can I get me some of that? You also have to consider that it's almost impossible for these folks to sell these houses to be able to move elsewhere (insurance is specifically to rebuild you can't just take the cash and buy an RV). Sure they picked a crappy spot but folk live in a lot of places that are subject to some sort of natural disaster waiting to happen. Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood etc
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "MoFi T Shirt Orders"
One medium mans. Thanking you kindly.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "Surgical scrubs"
What difference does it make what they choose to wear? We have freedom of religion here right? So shouldn't we be tolerant of people displaying their faith. I think I'd be quite comfitted with a nice big Thou Shalt Not Kill emblazoned on some scrubs.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "Curious Money:"
Mutual funds are a rip, but an index fund instead, far less overhead. Vanguard are your buddies.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "Curious George:"
I apologise for my deja comment. I read both, always one after another and this link was the top one at both sites. I added the comment at MeFi first, because I saw it here first, but then tried to be all clever by doing the sameish comment here. Had the posts not both been at the top on both sites I probably wouldn't have even noticed. I also hate comments that don't relate to the post and instead whine about em, and I officially withdraw both comments. As you were.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "The Human Genome."
deja mefi
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "Curious George:"
Um, no, that is really not what I need. Shudder. These guys knocked one out for me and it came out really well but their customers ervice was a little lacking and I think their prices were a bit high.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
In "One man's raunchy rant."
I never said that DeBeers' great marketing didn't create the demand, it did, what I'm saying is that a demand exists, it's not artificial. You may get the last word here because I gotta scoot. Nice chattin with ya (I'll check in tomorrow)
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
It's self righteous because you're claiming it's an artificial demand, there is no such thing, it's a very real demand and that's how they can charge such high prices. It's self righteous because you come across as though you think you're a better person because it's a purchase you wouldn't make. Do you drive a car? What make? Do you buy goods that are made in China? Is all the coffee you drink freetrade? Also as others have pointed out Canadian diamonds are readily available negating any political implications of buying a diamond.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
shawnj, huh? I realise you're trying to rephrase my words as some kind of comeback but I didn't quite get it. But even paraphrased the sentiment is spot on, the hemp shirt and the nologo paperback are being marketed and sold. If that's what you want to spend your money on have it, but to get on the snooty train because you someone made a purchase you personally wouldn't have is simply a waste of time. A diamond ring is a luxury item, people have attributed value to baubles since forever.
posted by zeoslap 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)