In "Tango "


In "The Most Disturbing/Disgusting/Hilarious-for-Cat-Haters Cat Video You'll See This Year"

Whoa! I gotta give this a try.

In "This is a news website article about a scientific paper."

*raises mug* To Pallas and breakfast threads, we love thee both!

I love this sort of thing!

In "Billy Connolly Live in New York Part 1 of 10 "

Laughed my ass off, thanks!

In "I propose a game."

Books on epistemology can be found filed under section 121 at your local library.

In "Collateral Murder"

Another relevant link pulled from the blue, an article about lazy journalism.. In this regard the topical incident seems most like My Lai. I hope the bad PR that goes along with WikiLeaks forcing this exposure is comparable.

Some insightful commentary on this footage from veterans:

In "A link to bring us together"

I haven't taken a bath in years and it sounds positively delightful, better than surfing the net at any rate. I'm not going to go into detail but there will be bubbles, and I'm shutting the door. Turning off the computer too. Weirdos.

In "I propose a game."

62 West Wallaby Street

In "Curious itchy Georgebashi."

No idea what could be causing it, but this might make it tolerable.

In "I propose a game."

"The 46° halo is rare and huge." And quite bright.

"For more than half an hour 38 respectable, law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in Kew Gardens... Not one person telephoned the police during the assault; one witness called after the woman was dead."

There are five notes in the pentatonic scale, which humans seem hardwired to enjoy. The most harmonious musical interval is the fifth. Between the fourth and the fifth lies the devil's note, possibly the least harmonious of all intervals. This is all relative, of course, and likely due to the way many musical instruments sound. In the age of synthesizers, it is now possible to design a instrument sound that sounds harmonious at any arbitrary interval. I've been meaning to get around to implementing this in PD for over five years. Someday.


Last call!

And by get in, I mean join that google group and say hi. If you have any trouble my email is in my profile.

One week to go, get in if you want in!

In "Cat Got Lost"


In "Napkin Dispute Leads To Spiced Attack"

A police certified weapons grade hot sauce seems like the sort of thing one could bottle and sell quite successfully.

In "Interracial couple denied marriage license in La."

I predict that this guy will be paying for their honeymoon.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)