Stubbies were the way to go back in the 80's when I discovered Canadian beers. I still have about 6 cases of them in the basement for use in homebrewing. I've since switched to kegs, but there's no way I'm giving up my stubbies.
It's a great story and has been all over our local news even before it ended up national. It's nice to see Rochester in the media without mention of Kodak for once.
Gosh, I was really entertained seeing children being terrified.
The best (or worst) thing about Japanese TV is that you don't need to know what they're saying to sense the utter craziness of it all.
Gee, how many times do have to masturbate for a film role and not get one before it dawns on you you're never going to? Or does desperation override common sense?
Stubbies were the way to go back in the 80's when I discovered Canadian beers. I still have about 6 cases of them in the basement for use in homebrewing. I've since switched to kegs, but there's no way I'm giving up my stubbies.
posted by tommasz 18 years ago
In ""McElwain, you're in!""
It's a great story and has been all over our local news even before it ended up national. It's nice to see Rochester in the media without mention of Kodak for once.
posted by tommasz 19 years ago
In "Black and white is the only logical choice, Captain."
His Full Body Project is a personal favorite. It's nice to see larger women portrayed like, well, women, and not objects of scorn or fetish.
posted by tommasz 19 years ago
In "This Just In: "
Gosh, I was really entertained seeing children being terrified. The best (or worst) thing about Japanese TV is that you don't need to know what they're saying to sense the utter craziness of it all.
posted by tommasz 19 years ago
In "Director's erotic auditions 'were sexual assault' "
Gee, how many times do have to masturbate for a film role and not get one before it dawns on you you're never going to? Or does desperation override common sense?
posted by tommasz 19 years ago
In "Corey Feldman is back!"
Beer? Is there nothing it can't do?
posted by tommasz 20 years ago
Angry Modem's user page on Metafilter has been hacked as well. It's been reported.
posted by tommasz 20 years ago
In "Don't click the link below"
His Metafilter user page has also been hacked, and it's been reported.
posted by tommasz 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)