I think the problem is that I am not clued in on the issue of "metafilteresque political argumentation". I was hoping that my post would generate some discussion re: Bush's Agenda, but instead it had a different affect. It's sad that nobody had anything to say. I guess Sutureself was initially correct. Too bad, for I really do care about what is happening to this country.
With regard to "you should go start a revolution and overthrow the american government", my point is that this administration is beyond dialogue. They had an agenda from the outset, an agenda that was never disclosed to the American public. More importantly, compromise is or was not part of this agenda.
Your criticism seems to be normative in nature. That is, my "tack on criticism" apparently lacks the requisite intellectual depth and breadth. Clearly, I was wrong about the existence of a market place of ideas, where pragmatically speaking, one can buy into, or choose not to buy into ideas as one sees fit. Or maybe this is one group that is not buying what I am selling.
One final question and a statement. I wonder what the purpose of quality, well supported argument is given the present political circumstances? We have a "conservative" president who is spending far more than any "liberal" ever dreamed of spending. A president, who keep coming up with new reason as to why we invaded Iraq. You see your desire for well reasoned, supported argumentation is naive. We are long past argument and dialogue. Rather, we have an adminstration that does what it likes irrepective of the views of others. This is why your criticism re: "metafilteresque political argumentation" comical. You should realize that the political discussion today is about power not argument and support. This is not an ideal, rather it is just the way things have become.....
Humm...if the claim is that I am engaging in metafilteresque political argumentation, then I beg to differ. First, I would say that this forum does not lend itself to rigoriously supported political argument. Even if it did, I would say that the model of thought that most Americans draw upon is the proverbal "market place of ideas". Assuming this, one can pretty much pick and choose their references and support. That said, I don't think that this resigns me to a relativistic position (whatever that is?). Rather, let me say that claiming that I have engage in metafiltereque political argument is a cheap shot. Apparently, I must write a f'n thesis. Put another, way to assert that I have somehow leveled a "straw-man" argument claims too much.
Shelters and Leasebacks.....
The problem with corporate taxes, is the failure of corporations to pay them. Specifically, through such things as leasebacks and other vehicles, corporations at times are exempted/sheltered from paying any taxes. Thus, they avail themselves of the benefits of being on US soil, but are free riders when it comes to paying for these benefits.
As to the claim that "corporations do not pay taxes, people do" this is true to a point. Taxes are not per se harmful to the growth of a corporation. Namely, corporations benefit from the paying of taxes in the form of improved infrastructure and other things that, for example, allow for the flow of goods and services to be more efficent. I would argue that some conservatives, fail to understand this and believe that such things as infrastrucure just magically appear.
Da Chimp is Dumb.......
Bush is dumb. Now the reason why he is dumb is that he does not have the depth of intellect to engage in rigorious problem solving. This is why he tends to resort to a black & white view of the world (see e.g. "evil doers" etc.). The world is very messy, and black & white problem solving does not work very well as a response to the complex problems we presently face.
Interesting....I will have to think about that..
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "Rockfish"
Very cool!!!!
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: English/Writing Reference?"
"Strunk" is very good too
posted by theoss 20 years ago
"A Writer's Reference", Diana Hacker
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "Bush's People"
I think the problem is that I am not clued in on the issue of "metafilteresque political argumentation". I was hoping that my post would generate some discussion re: Bush's Agenda, but instead it had a different affect. It's sad that nobody had anything to say. I guess Sutureself was initially correct. Too bad, for I really do care about what is happening to this country.
posted by theoss 20 years ago
With regard to "you should go start a revolution and overthrow the american government", my point is that this administration is beyond dialogue. They had an agenda from the outset, an agenda that was never disclosed to the American public. More importantly, compromise is or was not part of this agenda.
posted by theoss 20 years ago
Your criticism seems to be normative in nature. That is, my "tack on criticism" apparently lacks the requisite intellectual depth and breadth. Clearly, I was wrong about the existence of a market place of ideas, where pragmatically speaking, one can buy into, or choose not to buy into ideas as one sees fit. Or maybe this is one group that is not buying what I am selling. One final question and a statement. I wonder what the purpose of quality, well supported argument is given the present political circumstances? We have a "conservative" president who is spending far more than any "liberal" ever dreamed of spending. A president, who keep coming up with new reason as to why we invaded Iraq. You see your desire for well reasoned, supported argumentation is naive. We are long past argument and dialogue. Rather, we have an adminstration that does what it likes irrepective of the views of others. This is why your criticism re: "metafilteresque political argumentation" comical. You should realize that the political discussion today is about power not argument and support. This is not an ideal, rather it is just the way things have become.....
posted by theoss 20 years ago
Humm...if the claim is that I am engaging in metafilteresque political argumentation, then I beg to differ. First, I would say that this forum does not lend itself to rigoriously supported political argument. Even if it did, I would say that the model of thought that most Americans draw upon is the proverbal "market place of ideas". Assuming this, one can pretty much pick and choose their references and support. That said, I don't think that this resigns me to a relativistic position (whatever that is?). Rather, let me say that claiming that I have engage in metafiltereque political argument is a cheap shot. Apparently, I must write a f'n thesis. Put another, way to assert that I have somehow leveled a "straw-man" argument claims too much.
posted by theoss 20 years ago
So what is "metafilteresque political argumentation"?
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "Nine Naked Men:"
Nice, I am waiting for the sequel "Nine Naked Women".......
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "Bush's People"
Christ...I should learn to spell.....!!!
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "The Misunderestimated Man"
FYI........... Bush is a "uniter not a divider" as evidenced by the above posts...... Just another piece of Chimpy rhetoric....
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "They're self-centered, manipulative, backstabbing, out only for themselves--and amoral about the whole thing: they're Corporations. "
Shelters and Leasebacks..... The problem with corporate taxes, is the failure of corporations to pay them. Specifically, through such things as leasebacks and other vehicles, corporations at times are exempted/sheltered from paying any taxes. Thus, they avail themselves of the benefits of being on US soil, but are free riders when it comes to paying for these benefits. As to the claim that "corporations do not pay taxes, people do" this is true to a point. Taxes are not per se harmful to the growth of a corporation. Namely, corporations benefit from the paying of taxes in the form of improved infrastructure and other things that, for example, allow for the flow of goods and services to be more efficent. I would argue that some conservatives, fail to understand this and believe that such things as infrastrucure just magically appear.
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: HTML editor?"
f8mulder...that rocks!! Humm....html editor? Internet Explorer (heh heh)?
posted by theoss 20 years ago
In "The Misunderestimated Man"
Catholic...PS: I have a couple of friends who have dated the Breakup Babe, your analysis is correct.....
posted by theoss 20 years ago
Da Chimp is Dumb....... Bush is dumb. Now the reason why he is dumb is that he does not have the depth of intellect to engage in rigorious problem solving. This is why he tends to resort to a black & white view of the world (see e.g. "evil doers" etc.). The world is very messy, and black & white problem solving does not work very well as a response to the complex problems we presently face.
posted by theoss 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)