In "M.O.N.K.E.Y. Episode 5: Attack of the Clowns"

(trying hard for a measure of redemption) Ought not one make a tray of poo, or eat it all?

Dammit. That's wrong. Sorry. The Red Army, very embarrassed, surrendered Tito Yugoslavia.

The Red Army verb adverb something Tito's Yugoslavia.

Until now, in China, you could like eating Szechwan.

In "Which columnist are you?"

The little "You are X" write-ups are charitable enough to each columnist; perhaps excessively so, in that the one for Friedman does not contain the words "batshit insane". (I was another Krug-Man.)

In "Curious George: New Users"

Is it 24 hours yet?

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)