stepself (user #175)
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My MSN is
[email protected]
Taking a cue from the
1. I am a
18 19 20! year old student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. I'm studying Engineering Chemistry because I'm a masochist that way.
2. I watch far too much Simpsons, Daily Show, Arrested Development, Family Guy for my own good. Weeds is probably the best new show I've seen in a while.
3. Odds are, I'm procrastinating right now
4. I hate the cold
5. It's cold right now
6. The Earth layer that best describes me is the asthenosphere (flexible, not prone to violent tremors). The organic solvent that best describes me is diethyl ether: I can alter your nervous system, and I'm harmful if absorbed through your skin
7. I have lived in Canada all my life
8. Cereal of choice:
Harvest Crunch (too expensive), Cheerios (budget-friendly!)
9. Music of choice: Yann Tiersen, Arcade Fire, Sufjan Stevens,
My music
10. List of choice: Top Ten
9 links