The rest of that record is on many file sharing networks. Search for sex education.
If you want period instruction that is just plain surreally wrong in soooo many ways, try this. (Probably NSFW or kids or anyone)
It is inspired by Thunderbirds, but they had to do something different since the live action remake was coming out. One of the early ideas was a total remake of Day After Tomorrow but with puppets. Moriarty of AICN has a real interesting set visit posted.
Rocket88: Tabbed browsing; extensions that let you right click a highlighted term to: search google,, imdb, use mouse gestures and click a non hyperlinked url and follow it (among many many many other extensions); easier customization of buttons and bars; better security. Instead of listing all the reasons, I will let this page do it.
And just for reference I have never had any problems with Flash or multimedia. In fact one extension gives you even more control over flash.
In fact KISS have always been crap, and Gene Simmons has always been a posing douchebag
Couldn't have said it better myself. When I was 7 or 8 (the perfect target market for KISS in the late 70s) I wasn't allowed to listen to their "satanic" music. When I finally got to hear KISS as a teenager I was in awe that everybody had been sooooo into this mediocre crap.
The interface and threading is pretty kicking rolypoly and that is a big selling point.
I once heard that Bob Mould was such an early AOL subscriber his email was [email protected]. It probably wasn't but everyone expects gmail to be as ubiquitous as yahoo mail or hotmail and everyone wants to be their own version of [email protected]. Personally I just use the email off my own domain.
While I am amazed at that video that used to bounce around the Fox girl who does all the TV shows, it still seems a lot like when we would make up games when I was a kid like how many times can you bounce the ball on the bat and things like that.
The rest who don't go to our Church or the others listed before are either demon possessed, a feminist, a pagan, a Jew, James Carnway, a maker of the Anti-Christian parody site,, or a homosexual.
If you haven't been to Landover it is more of this sort of thing to the nth degree. And just bringing it up suggests that they are related.
I am primarily a fan of Genesis' work with TG but Psychic TV has some moments of brilliance. Genesis at times seemed to envision himself as some messianic figure for underground youth culture, through the Temple of Psychick Youth then through the mid 90s relaunch of The Process. He consistently was popping up on CDs as a guest artist and even was heavily featured in the book that brought body piercing to the mainstream.
Genesis took his role as trend setter a little too seriously, (supposedly) ripped off his TG bandmates for reissue money, and in general seemed much like a pompous asshole rockstar for much of the 90s. I was sort of glad to hear he was being a little girly man and breast-implanted slave. At least it was a return to a personal vision of sorts. Leave it to GPO to be showboating this also.
My preferred TG spinoff has always been coil. This whatshisface is Peter Christopherson and has always been more low-key than GPO and just as groundbreaking.
SRL is 25 years old!!??!? When will I be issued my cane and liverspots? I picked up the curmudgeon attitude early.
The SRL piece that really infatuated (disturbed?) me was the rabbot, a dead rabbit with a moving mechanical skeleton that animated it. I stared at grainy 8th generation VHS of that over and over and over again.
I know some people who went to one of SRL's impromptu events in a California parking lot. They felt that art was finally dangerous in a literal sense. The machines moved in such a random sense and pieces of metal flew off in all directions. Imagine Battlebots (which owes more than a little debt to SRL) without any sort of protective barrier in front of the audience
theora I would also like to see administrators keep the rule. Teachers, however, pee amazingly little for the sheer volume of coffee and diet coke (the teacher drugs of choice) they drink.
instead of trying to figure out why the one person who wanders is doing this, you simply write him off as "a moron".
I do not simply write a child off as a moron. I actually more attune to "alternative scholarship" than most of my educator peers and have found some very profound people inside some very poor students. This guy was wandering the halls because he was meeting with his friends and having a good old time in the blind cul-de-sac at the end of the hall. The next year he was busted selling weed in this same hallway. The officer involved said he had been selling there for some time. Maybe the term "moron" denoting subpar intelligence is wrong. This poor misunderstood child had merely figured out a route to an undersupplied market for the chronic, by exploiting people's natural biological need to urinate. Snarkiness aside, I label this child "moron" in retrospect and with all weight of evidence (including the causes of his "lack of affect") that need not be dragged in here, I believe it is a correct observation. You are right though, it is not a moronic attitude that is relevant to my post. It was the difficulty in a school situation to make rules that allow for nuance and subtlety. Zero Tolerance means a nail file is a weapon and it also means in this district everyone gets 15 bathroom trips a month. I don't think it is punishment to tell 13 year olds to use the bathroom before or after a 50 minute class. It can be a necessity to keep on task. Ideally, I would like students to handle these issues between classes and if matters are pressing, urgent or unexpected on occasion we let them take care of it. What I don't need are the same group of students announcing to the class they need to go, then being brought back to class by an administrator because they had been gone a half of an hour and found playing ball in the gym or trying to get students out of other classrooms. The problem is limiting the disruption without being a draconian terror. Because neither the administration nor the parent want the teacher enabled to make a judgment call on it and try to make a hard and fast rule for everyone to follow we end up with rules and regulations that make no sense when viewed at a minimum of distance
It's easy to get involved with the "good kids". The mark of a good educator is how well they get involved with the "bad kids".
I don't have "bad kids" anymore. Some slackers maybe, but I don't have "bad kids." But I did not get into education to rescue anyone. I am in education to ENABLE students to reach their goals. If your student needs salvation or rescueing, see a saint or a messiah. If your student needs motivation and instruction from a knowledgable teacher, I'll be glad to take them.
I teach. I am now in an excellent Magnet Arts High School, but I have also taught in the roughest urban middle schools. When I taught 9th grade at one of them I had this kid that would beg to go to the restroom everyday and end up wandering the halls. So I instituted a NO RESTROOM policy for my classroom and did a good job keeping it. Everyday this moron would keep pestering to leave for the restroom and get told no. One day about halfway through the class, a girl (13 or so) comes up to me and begs to go to the restroom. She gets the stock answer to take care of it between classes. I can tell from the urgency on her face that this is important and she keeps muttering "Mr. Roosevelt, I got problems!! Girl things!!" I am not going to be the one to turn this girl's day into a most embrassing moments letter to a teen magazine, so off she goes. The girl never asked to go anywhere and in my judgement she needed to go. The guy who asked to go everyday pitched a fit, but he still wasn't allowed to go. Meetings with parents and administrators came out of that incident. I had to defend not letting the moron wander the halls with a restroom pass. Teacher's have been litigated into a position where they have to follow highly opjective and auditable rules, so no one can claim you are mistreating their little angel, so insane rules like this come about. I sympathize with their attempts to make it easier to tell the slackers "No" and still allow people to take care of what needs to be taken care of.
The rest of that record is on many file sharing networks. Search for sex education. If you want period instruction that is just plain surreally wrong in soooo many ways, try this. (Probably NSFW or kids or anyone)
posted by spartacusroosevelt 19 years ago
In "Curious George: MusicFilter"
I second Scartol and say try Laika. Sounds of the Satellites is my favorite with Good Looking Blues a close second.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 19 years ago
In "Firefox Extension: Makelink 2.0"
mwhybark: Works great on Firefox on Panther.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "the debate"
Senator Kennedy? Did he say Senator Kennedy?
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "Team America: World Police"
It is inspired by Thunderbirds, but they had to do something different since the live action remake was coming out. One of the early ideas was a total remake of Day After Tomorrow but with puppets. Moriarty of AICN has a real interesting set visit posted.
Mmmmm, graphic, puppet sex.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "Homeland security recommends IE alternatives."
Tabbed browsing; extensions that let you right click a highlighted term to: search google,, imdb, use mouse gestures and click a non hyperlinked url and follow it (among many many many other extensions); easier customization of buttons and bars; better security. Instead of listing all the reasons, I will let this page do it.
And just for reference I have never had any problems with Flash or multimedia. In fact one extension gives you even more control over flash.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
correction:do Java from Firefox
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
Switching made easy.
Shockwave (just say no to the Y! toolbar that will try to install with it)
Java (do this last one from Firebird)
I have been using Firefox since it was Phoenix .3 and have no reservations about recommending newbies switch.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "[ ..... ] There... are... no... words"
In fact KISS have always been crap, and Gene Simmons has always been a posing douchebag
Couldn't have said it better myself. When I was 7 or 8 (the perfect target market for KISS in the late 70s) I wasn't allowed to listen to their "satanic" music. When I finally got to hear KISS as a teenager I was in awe that everybody had been sooooo into this mediocre crap.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "Gmail is for monkeys"
The interface and threading is pretty kicking rolypoly and that is a big selling point.
I once heard that Bob Mould was such an early AOL subscriber his email was [email protected]. It probably wasn't but everyone expects gmail to be as ubiquitous as yahoo mail or hotmail and everyone wants to be their own version of [email protected]. Personally I just use the email off my own domain.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
And i didn't even spam-proof my email address. I guess that will test the gmail spam filter won't it?
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
I have two invites. One carries a condition that you use one of your invites on a specific person for me. First come, first serve. [email protected]
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "Speed Cup Stacking"
While I am amazed at that video that used to bounce around the Fox girl who does all the TV shows, it still seems a lot like when we would make up games when I was a kid like how many times can you bounce the ball on the bat and things like that.
When do the schools get Calvinball teams?
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "What the hell? "
The parody smoking gun from this page.
If you haven't been to Landover it is more of this sort of thing to the nth degree. And just bringing it up suggests that they are related.posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "Pandrogenize your Throbbing Gristle"
I am primarily a fan of Genesis' work with TG but Psychic TV has some moments of brilliance. Genesis at times seemed to envision himself as some messianic figure for underground youth culture, through the Temple of Psychick Youth then through the mid 90s relaunch of The Process. He consistently was popping up on CDs as a guest artist and even was heavily featured in the book that brought body piercing to the mainstream.
Genesis took his role as trend setter a little too seriously, (supposedly) ripped off his TG bandmates for reissue money, and in general seemed much like a pompous asshole rockstar for much of the 90s. I was sort of glad to hear he was being a little girly man and breast-implanted slave. At least it was a return to a personal vision of sorts. Leave it to GPO to be showboating this also.
My preferred TG spinoff has always been coil. This whatshisface is Peter Christopherson and has always been more low-key than GPO and just as groundbreaking.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In "Survival Research Laboratories."
SRL is 25 years old!!??!? When will I be issued my cane and liverspots? I picked up the curmudgeon attitude early.
The SRL piece that really infatuated (disturbed?) me was the rabbot, a dead rabbit with a moving mechanical skeleton that animated it. I stared at grainy 8th generation VHS of that over and over and over again.
I know some people who went to one of SRL's impromptu events in a California parking lot. They felt that art was finally dangerous in a literal sense. The machines moved in such a random sense and pieces of metal flew off in all directions. Imagine Battlebots (which owes more than a little debt to SRL) without any sort of protective barrier in front of the audience
posted by spartacusroosevelt 20 years ago
In " Parents attack bathroom policy"
theora I would also like to see administrators keep the rule. Teachers, however, pee amazingly little for the sheer volume of coffee and diet coke (the teacher drugs of choice) they drink.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 21 years ago
In "Ishkur's amazing electronic music guide."
Genre classification is debatable. For example, I would never call Boards of Canada "Illbient." But a great resource overall, glad to see it updated.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 21 years ago
In " Parents attack bathroom policy"
instead of trying to figure out why the one person who wanders is doing this, you simply write him off as "a moron".
I do not simply write a child off as a moron. I actually more attune to "alternative scholarship" than most of my educator peers and have found some very profound people inside some very poor students. This guy was wandering the halls because he was meeting with his friends and having a good old time in the blind cul-de-sac at the end of the hall. The next year he was busted selling weed in this same hallway. The officer involved said he had been selling there for some time. Maybe the term "moron" denoting subpar intelligence is wrong. This poor misunderstood child had merely figured out a route to an undersupplied market for the chronic, by exploiting people's natural biological need to urinate. Snarkiness aside, I label this child "moron" in retrospect and with all weight of evidence (including the causes of his "lack of affect") that need not be dragged in here, I believe it is a correct observation. You are right though, it is not a moronic attitude that is relevant to my post. It was the difficulty in a school situation to make rules that allow for nuance and subtlety. Zero Tolerance means a nail file is a weapon and it also means in this district everyone gets 15 bathroom trips a month. I don't think it is punishment to tell 13 year olds to use the bathroom before or after a 50 minute class. It can be a necessity to keep on task. Ideally, I would like students to handle these issues between classes and if matters are pressing, urgent or unexpected on occasion we let them take care of it. What I don't need are the same group of students announcing to the class they need to go, then being brought back to class by an administrator because they had been gone a half of an hour and found playing ball in the gym or trying to get students out of other classrooms. The problem is limiting the disruption without being a draconian terror. Because neither the administration nor the parent want the teacher enabled to make a judgment call on it and try to make a hard and fast rule for everyone to follow we end up with rules and regulations that make no sense when viewed at a minimum of distance
It's easy to get involved with the "good kids". The mark of a good educator is how well they get involved with the "bad kids".
I don't have "bad kids" anymore. Some slackers maybe, but I don't have "bad kids." But I did not get into education to rescue anyone. I am in education to ENABLE students to reach their goals. If your student needs salvation or rescueing, see a saint or a messiah. If your student needs motivation and instruction from a knowledgable teacher, I'll be glad to take them.
Where is my spellcheck button?
posted by spartacusroosevelt 21 years ago
I teach. I am now in an excellent Magnet Arts High School, but I have also taught in the roughest urban middle schools. When I taught 9th grade at one of them I had this kid that would beg to go to the restroom everyday and end up wandering the halls. So I instituted a NO RESTROOM policy for my classroom and did a good job keeping it. Everyday this moron would keep pestering to leave for the restroom and get told no. One day about halfway through the class, a girl (13 or so) comes up to me and begs to go to the restroom. She gets the stock answer to take care of it between classes. I can tell from the urgency on her face that this is important and she keeps muttering "Mr. Roosevelt, I got problems!! Girl things!!" I am not going to be the one to turn this girl's day into a most embrassing moments letter to a teen magazine, so off she goes. The girl never asked to go anywhere and in my judgement she needed to go. The guy who asked to go everyday pitched a fit, but he still wasn't allowed to go. Meetings with parents and administrators came out of that incident. I had to defend not letting the moron wander the halls with a restroom pass. Teacher's have been litigated into a position where they have to follow highly opjective and auditable rules, so no one can claim you are mistreating their little angel, so insane rules like this come about. I sympathize with their attempts to make it easier to tell the slackers "No" and still allow people to take care of what needs to be taken care of.
posted by spartacusroosevelt 21 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)