If he's your friend, you should help him whether he asks for it or not.
That said, flying out there and kicking his door in to carry him to the nearest inpatient treatment center is ultimately not going to help anyone. He needs to decide for himself.
IMHO, you should attempt to stay in touch, even if it's just leaving a message on his voicemail, letting him know that you're there for him if he's ready to deal with his issues.
Ditto what Capt Renault said about Ben and the Ben Franklins: My advice would be to stay out of the Ben/Tom/Money thing. It is completely separate-- whether or not despair over being unable to repay a debt is fueling his drinking. If it wasn't that it would be something else, and something else, etc. until he's ready to deal with his disease.
You can't fix him, but you can be there to support him when he gets help to fix himself.
And ditto too what Capt Renault said about the Rescuer Rule: stay safe.
Man, tough room. It's not a self-link. I don't know the guy, I just thought it was hilarious.
This is the voted ensemble for Feb 2.
Sorry for brightening your day. We now return you to your regularly scheduled closed-loop navel gazing.
When someone moves my stuff.
Open kitchen cabinets, especially when I hit my head on it.
Drivers without courtesy or common sense.
Noise when there is an expectation of quiet (e.g. happy birthday sung in a nice restaurant, talking or candy wrapper crinkling in a theater, jack hammers at nap time)
Use of the phrase "At this point in time."
I don't actually remember where I finally made contact, but what I do remember and probably what you want to know is the method: I Google'd iraq war veterans support (and because I wanted to localize it I added the state), then browsed the first couple of pages for something that looked like it was up my alley. It sort of depends too on the slant you're looking for (e.g. anti-war, try vaiw, or optruth, etc. -- btw I use those two as an example only because they came up on the first page of google when I searched just now, so spare the messenger). You might also try contacting a veterans hospital or returning national guard unit in your area.
I was looking recently for some first person comments on GIs who had spent the holidays in Iraq for an article. Queried a couple of veterans' web-sites and got multiple responses back same day/next day. Want to know how a grunt thinks, ask a grunt.
Yesterday oligarchs gibbered hubristically until reason triumphed.
posted by spacely_sprocket 18 years ago
In "Anonymous George: A Friend in Need"
If he's your friend, you should help him whether he asks for it or not. That said, flying out there and kicking his door in to carry him to the nearest inpatient treatment center is ultimately not going to help anyone. He needs to decide for himself. IMHO, you should attempt to stay in touch, even if it's just leaving a message on his voicemail, letting him know that you're there for him if he's ready to deal with his issues. Ditto what Capt Renault said about Ben and the Ben Franklins: My advice would be to stay out of the Ben/Tom/Money thing. It is completely separate-- whether or not despair over being unable to repay a debt is fueling his drinking. If it wasn't that it would be something else, and something else, etc. until he's ready to deal with his disease. You can't fix him, but you can be there to support him when he gets help to fix himself. And ditto too what Capt Renault said about the Rescuer Rule: stay safe.
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
In "Mans website lets viewers vote and help decide what to wear to work. "
They're golf shoes.
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
Man, tough room. It's not a self-link. I don't know the guy, I just thought it was hilarious.
This is the voted ensemble for Feb 2.
Sorry for brightening your day. We now return you to your regularly scheduled closed-loop navel gazing.
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Don't you hate it when"
When someone moves my stuff. Open kitchen cabinets, especially when I hit my head on it. Drivers without courtesy or common sense. Noise when there is an expectation of quiet (e.g. happy birthday sung in a nice restaurant, talking or candy wrapper crinkling in a theater, jack hammers at nap time) Use of the phrase "At this point in time." Sanctimony.
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
In "Scarious George:"
Exorcist Alien The Omen Silence of the Lambs Five way tie for fifth place, but for now The Shining
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
In "PhotogenicMasks have been created for anyone who desires to become a girl."
"It puts the lotion on..."
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
In "Curious George - A Guide to the Military for Dummies"
I don't actually remember where I finally made contact, but what I do remember and probably what you want to know is the method: I Google'd iraq war veterans support (and because I wanted to localize it I added the state), then browsed the first couple of pages for something that looked like it was up my alley. It sort of depends too on the slant you're looking for (e.g. anti-war, try vaiw, or optruth, etc. -- btw I use those two as an example only because they came up on the first page of google when I searched just now, so spare the messenger). You might also try contacting a veterans hospital or returning national guard unit in your area.
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
I was looking recently for some first person comments on GIs who had spent the holidays in Iraq for an article. Queried a couple of veterans' web-sites and got multiple responses back same day/next day. Want to know how a grunt thinks, ask a grunt.
posted by spacely_sprocket 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)