LwC, congrats on your latest acquisition. There's a really fun game you can play once Peanut settles in. I don't know what it's called, but I've known several cats who love it. You crouch down on the floor and hide behind something, like a wall or doorway, stack of boxes, bathtub, etc. Poke your head out and make eye contact with the cat. Then gasp audibly for dramatic effect (the little monsters love it), and pull your head back and wait a few seconds. Then poke your head out again and repeat. If she's the right sort of cat, eventually her eyes will get huge and she'll start stalking you like you're prey. Then, usually when you're hidden, she'll jump out at you. Act surprised. Your cat will feel like Queen of the Jungle. Once she gets good at the game she actually will surprise you.
Burns: I suggest you leave immediately.
Homer: Or what? You'll release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you?
Friends. Really good friends who help you get through the worst times. Today my friends are helping me move into a new place. They helped me through the whole nightmare of separation and divorce, offering company, food and drink, vehicles, places to stay. They make me laugh when I'm bawling my eyes out. And now they're prepared to help me move my crap. Friends are the best favorite things ever.
Hope everyone feels better soon.
shamelessly stolen:
there was a young man from St. Clair
who tried to bugger a bear
but that vicious brute
took a swipe at his root
and left nothing but balls and hair
there was a young man from Dundee
who buggered an ape in a tree
the result was most horrid
all arse and no forehead
three balls and a purple goatee
Squidranch, is someone available to look after you while you recover? One of my friends has the sleep apnea/ADHD combination and had soft palate surgery. His doc advised him to stay with family afterwards, and a good thing too. It wiped him out something fierce.
Happy Birthday meredithea! Hope you have fun.
Many years ago my housemates and I decided to make a pinata for a birthday party. We blew up balloons, made flour and water paste, used strips of newspaper. It was really fun. Problem was the balloon died before the paper mache was set, so the pinata looked like a raisin. And we only had acrylic paint, so it was a big technicolor raisin. Plus it was late August in the midwestern US. Very humid. We couldn't break the damn thing. Finally, after moving it inside because of a thunderstorm, the birthday boy stood on it and beat it repeatedly with a baseball bat. It exploded. All over the living room. We kept finding candy and bits of paper mache for months.
Hi Space Kitty, I'm sorry you're not feeling good. Another vote for the fish oil capsules. I've had problems with anxiety attacks for about 5 years and after unsuccessful rounds with anti-depressants, started taking fish oil about 3 months ago. The anxiety seems much more controllable now. My cocktail of choice is fish oil caps, green tea and lots of ibuprofen. (If I'm feeling really crappy, add a hot bath and a cold martini.) That combination is helping me get through an impending divorce.
Here's an interesting article about the nutrition/behavior link. Thought about posting it to the front page, but this is a better spot for it.
Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.
*hearts monkeys*
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Song pairs."
This Beat Goes On/Switchin' to Glide by the Kings
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Curious George"
LwC, congrats on your latest acquisition. There's a really fun game you can play once Peanut settles in. I don't know what it's called, but I've known several cats who love it. You crouch down on the floor and hide behind something, like a wall or doorway, stack of boxes, bathtub, etc. Poke your head out and make eye contact with the cat. Then gasp audibly for dramatic effect (the little monsters love it), and pull your head back and wait a few seconds. Then poke your head out again and repeat. If she's the right sort of cat, eventually her eyes will get huge and she'll start stalking you like you're prey. Then, usually when you're hidden, she'll jump out at you. Act surprised. Your cat will feel like Queen of the Jungle. Once she gets good at the game she actually will surprise you.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Dogs. Dressed as bees."
Burns: I suggest you leave immediately. Homer: Or what? You'll release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you?
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Favourite Things..."
Thanks Alnedra. *hugs right back*
posted by shinything 19 years ago
Friends. Really good friends who help you get through the worst times. Today my friends are helping me move into a new place. They helped me through the whole nightmare of separation and divorce, offering company, food and drink, vehicles, places to stay. They make me laugh when I'm bawling my eyes out. And now they're prepared to help me move my crap. Friends are the best favorite things ever. Hope everyone feels better soon.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Limerick"
shamelessly stolen: there was a young man from St. Clair who tried to bugger a bear but that vicious brute took a swipe at his root and left nothing but balls and hair ......................................... there was a young man from Dundee who buggered an ape in a tree the result was most horrid all arse and no forehead three balls and a purple goatee
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Blasts in the London Underground"
To the Monkeys on the other side of the pond: Thanks for checking in. I hope you and yours are safe and continue to be safe. Take care everyone.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "T shirts have been mailed - Some extras are available"
*raises ice cream sandwich to Little Timmy*
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Curious George - Sleep Apnea Followup Questions"
Squidranch, is someone available to look after you while you recover? One of my friends has the sleep apnea/ADHD combination and had soft palate surgery. His doc advised him to stay with family afterwards, and a good thing too. It wiped him out something fierce.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "T shirts have been mailed - Some extras are available"
Is Little Timmy dead yet?
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "It is time."
))))))))))))!!!!!!!11!! Excellent post, Tracicle!
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Curious, George: Geriatric Dog"
Dear Bees, glad the wee hund is on the mend. Wishing her a fast and comfortable recovery.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "a Million Ways to be Cruel"
This charmed my socks off. Thanks sexyrobot.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Phallic Logo Awards."
The winning entry (heh) is hilarious.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Pinatas!"
Happy Birthday meredithea! Hope you have fun. Many years ago my housemates and I decided to make a pinata for a birthday party. We blew up balloons, made flour and water paste, used strips of newspaper. It was really fun. Problem was the balloon died before the paper mache was set, so the pinata looked like a raisin. And we only had acrylic paint, so it was a big technicolor raisin. Plus it was late August in the midwestern US. Very humid. We couldn't break the damn thing. Finally, after moving it inside because of a thunderstorm, the birthday boy stood on it and beat it repeatedly with a baseball bat. It exploded. All over the living room. We kept finding candy and bits of paper mache for months.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "I like monkeys"
Hee. chimaera wins.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In ""
Dear Dish, this is wonderful and silly. /drank too much rum, feels sick, at home already, falls asleep
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Curiously Oversensitive George"
Hi Space Kitty, I'm sorry you're not feeling good. Another vote for the fish oil capsules. I've had problems with anxiety attacks for about 5 years and after unsuccessful rounds with anti-depressants, started taking fish oil about 3 months ago. The anxiety seems much more controllable now. My cocktail of choice is fish oil caps, green tea and lots of ibuprofen. (If I'm feeling really crappy, add a hot bath and a cold martini.) That combination is helping me get through an impending divorce. Here's an interesting article about the nutrition/behavior link. Thought about posting it to the front page, but this is a better spot for it. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.
posted by shinything 19 years ago
In "Photos of an unknown family"
plaid doubleknit polyester bananas
posted by shinything 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)