In "Curious words:"


In "Monkeyfilter nominated for Best Community Weblog "

You realise that if you beat metafilter, they'll just blame it on the hanging chads. (Now is it the radio button above or below that I tick?)

In "Funny Flaps"

Wait a second. This Flash cartoon is EDUCATIONAL. Damn you!

In "This song will literally make you want to die."


In "curious George"

A builder. Given my inordinate ineptness when it comes to handling physical objects, I'm relieved that I never became one. The lives that have been saved thanks to the growth in computers in the last 20 years is shudderingly high.

In "Vice Presidential debate."

On waking up this morning, the BBC were stating that Cheny "won" the debate. So, there's your international angle. It'll be interesting to see if they change this viewpoint for this evenings news.

In "BBC reports on McDonalds brand kids clothes."

Off topic but... Quorn is fantastic, and despite my Carnivorous nature I eat it quite a lot. There was a big hoo ha about it a while ago. You'll need to dig about a bit more, but the whole anti-Quorn movement looks suspiciously like the noise of American Vegetarian food manufacturers rying to protect their share of the Veggie market.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)