Nostrildamus - as Freen said somewhat, the end of the Mayan calendar did signify their 'end of the world'. The Mayan creation myth clearly states that the world goes through cycles of creation and destruction, with the last creation that took place bringing humans into existence,and in 2012 bringing their destruction. The Great Deluge, featured in almost all of the world's religions - both ancient and modern, was one of the past 'end of the world scenarios' to the Mayans, as was a 'great fire' and etc. To the Mayans, mathematics, astronomy and religion were the same thing, so such a significant event as the end of one cycle of their calendar would have more than just intellectual significance, it would mark the literal 'end of the world'. This is the reason why humans were so often sacrificed after the great Mesoamerican ball game by the Aztecs and Mayans - they believed that if the gods were 'fed' humans, then the end of the world could be postponed because the gods would be content with the world and allow the current cycle to continue. That's your little Mayan mythology lesson for the night, folks.
Perhaps they are trying to get involved in their children's lives and monitor their behavior - i.e. the dad's refusal to give his children their presents is operant conditioning. It might be a small punishment (well, when compared to corporal punishment, of course) but it's the first step in molding their behavior into what is desired.
you're not the only one, MusingMelpomene, i've recently found out that i'm going to be alone on new years, so we're in somewhat of the same boat.
but tip for surviving lonely nights like these: drive out to your favorite restraunt/fast food place and treat yourself to your favorite food there. then drive to a nice bookstore or something of the sort (i prefer borders) and just browse for an interesting book or new cd. surprisingly, that killed a lot of time one night when i was left out of my friends' plans at the last minute.
hope you feel better!
also "This Can't Be Yogurt"
posted by scycis 20 years ago
In "Asteroid coming close to earth on April 13, 2029. "
Nostrildamus - as Freen said somewhat, the end of the Mayan calendar did signify their 'end of the world'. The Mayan creation myth clearly states that the world goes through cycles of creation and destruction, with the last creation that took place bringing humans into existence,and in 2012 bringing their destruction. The Great Deluge, featured in almost all of the world's religions - both ancient and modern, was one of the past 'end of the world scenarios' to the Mayans, as was a 'great fire' and etc. To the Mayans, mathematics, astronomy and religion were the same thing, so such a significant event as the end of one cycle of their calendar would have more than just intellectual significance, it would mark the literal 'end of the world'. This is the reason why humans were so often sacrificed after the great Mesoamerican ball game by the Aztecs and Mayans - they believed that if the gods were 'fed' humans, then the end of the world could be postponed because the gods would be content with the world and allow the current cycle to continue. That's your little Mayan mythology lesson for the night, folks.
posted by scycis 20 years ago
In "The Grinch who eBayed Christmas"
Perhaps they are trying to get involved in their children's lives and monitor their behavior - i.e. the dad's refusal to give his children their presents is operant conditioning. It might be a small punishment (well, when compared to corporal punishment, of course) but it's the first step in molding their behavior into what is desired.
posted by scycis 20 years ago
In "Asteroid coming close to earth on April 13, 2029. "
The Mayans predicted the world would end on December 12th, 2012. If they were right, this 400-meter bad boy will be about 17 years too late.
posted by scycis 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: holiday alone time"
you're not the only one, MusingMelpomene, i've recently found out that i'm going to be alone on new years, so we're in somewhat of the same boat. but tip for surviving lonely nights like these: drive out to your favorite restraunt/fast food place and treat yourself to your favorite food there. then drive to a nice bookstore or something of the sort (i prefer borders) and just browse for an interesting book or new cd. surprisingly, that killed a lot of time one night when i was left out of my friends' plans at the last minute. hope you feel better!
posted by scycis 20 years ago
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