In "Is Bill Watterson working undercover?"

Amazing what happens even when you start off as a merchandising vehicle. Heh.. United Features first tried to get Watterson to put Robotman in Calvin and Hobbes.

In "Moving"

Very interesting post!, but that third link is pretty bad. First off, the researcher's name is Paula Messina, not Paul. Second, the "His conclusion? It makes no sense." remark is out of nowhere. Paula Messina's Ph.D. dissertation states "There is ample evidence that high wind velocities and dust devil activity aided by unique surface slickness characteristics may explain the overwhelming number of trails found in July 1996."

In "Flashblock"

Safari users can block flash (and/or other annoying stuff on the web) using PithHelmet.

In "Curious, Nostril"

Perhaps the Zogg got to him?

In "The Abston Church of Christ"

There are numerous reasons why a loyal dedicated servant of God should use his Bible-trained conscience to arrive at a proper understanding of why cats are not advisable as pets or companions for Christians.

In "More school news from Texas. "

Guys, guys...this is clearly a hoax. Look around the rest of the site - it's obvious that 'USA Today' isn't a real newspaper. That explains it!! whew...

In ""

I, too, was expecting a THEN.... :(

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