In "The end of the period."

?? My wife has been using contraception that does that for many years. How's this new?

In "Curious George: Simple cheap web hosting:"

Well it's one of those "you get what you pay for thingies". I own/run a web hosting company, but can't get down to your $20 a year figure.. you might try something like, bigger is better if you are going cheap-cheap. dale (

In "50 Greatest Movie Deaths"

I can't believe Stephen King's "IT" bathtub drain death isn't on the list.

In "Curious George: Let's Secede"

Well looking at the map.. You can choose either eastern wimp blue, or western wimp blue.

In "Curious George: Emigrating within the U.S."

I live in South Eastern Virginia, a military right wing town... yet I still found the need to move out of Virginia Beach and into the 'sticks' ..
Now I have like 3 gun shops, a tattoo parlor, and several turkey shoots within a mile. I have a neighbor named Rex and the dogs roam free.
You wouldn't like it here. :)

In "Web Hosting: Reseller Account"

Or you could use my hosting company :)

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