In "Curious George:"

I'm here. I have been for years. I just never say anything.

In "Trenary Toast!"

Beef on Weck While Buffalo may be known for the chicken wing, this is a local secret. And also delicious. There is also the Butter Lamb, but that is not so much of a food but rather an odd condiment. Oh, and Weber's Horseradish Mustard. I guess we have a lot here...sponge chocolate...

In "Bathsheba Sculpture"

When do we get the Feed? I want my Primer.

In "Saturn moon reveals organic matter."

All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landings there.

In "Curious George: Irrational Fears."

Traffic lights (signals). They are too anthropomorphic for my tastes and yet they are bizarre and mechanical and eeeeech just freaky.

In "Cookie O Puss"

Oh wait, SANTA is Fudgie on its side. Cookie Puss (and Cookie O Puss and Kewpie Puss) are the Same mold as the menorah cake.

Holy cats! I haven't seen an old skool Carvel commercial in years! Cookie Puss (the non-St. Patrick's day version) was simply a whale mold put on its side with a cone slapped into the middle. Fudgie the Whale was for Father's Day.

In "On Elliott Gould."

Hi IMDb profile says he regularly appears on Fox News.

In "A new species of leopard"

Oooh. Love the kitty.

In "Mummy, the food is looking at me!"

Uh, the guy with the weiners in the creamed corn has creamed corn in his belly button. Ew!

In ""

Thank you all for the advice. goetter, I think I am getting a silpat for Valentine's Day :) I ended up using the lightest swipe of butter and they came out all lovely...

In "Curious George"

ladyknight, I have a few Nigerian contacts (here in the states) but they may have leads for you. I will ask-- no guaratee though. IF I get anything, I will email you.

In "Kids say 'Yuck!' to healthy school lunch"

God, I would have loved this kind of food when I was eating out of the high school cafeteria. mandyman, these parents weren't determining the school lunches. I think, however, that you have a point in that perhaps the parents suddenly see their own food choices at home are crap because they closely mirrored the crap at school. I do agree with gomichild. Given time and no other options, these kids will eat what they are served at school.

In "Federal Judge Says Video Games Are Just Like Fine Literature"

James Gee is probably glad to hear it.

In "Curious George: Staying in Chicago"

Argh, how did you find that? I have ben trying to navigate the site forever and could not get to that. /bats her eyes at Argh /My hero

Oh, I screwed up the title. Damn wine!

In "Curious Conglomerating George:"


In "Curious, George: Recipe Hacks"

Instant cous cous + frozen or canned veggies + Quorn product (fakey meat) = delish

In "Star Wars Origins - Dune?"

Chyren- just a teeny note-- the diary entries you are talking about in Dune are Princess Irulan. Alia is later. /oh so nerdy

In "Oxana is a feral child, one of only about 100 known in the world. "

Human contact. Sorry.

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