I think we picked it up from Point Break, but there was a time early/mid 90s when my mates and I found "Like a virgin on prom night" fitted for just about anything.
Plegmund I'm an alumnus of said college. I mostly chose it for the amusing name. Although the central location was nice. And Michael Palin went there back in the day.
The knocker hangs over the high table in the dining hall. Every night, the dons would come in to dine through a doorway just underneath the knocker. The name of the college was usually abbreviated to BNC, although sometimes just "Nose", which made for some interesting chants at inter-college sporting events.
Looking back now, it all seems a bit silly. I seem to say that a lot about Oxford.
He wrote the diary in shorthand. According to the epilogue of Claire Tomalin's "The Unequalled Self", the diary ended up in Cambridge with the rest of his library, but no-one attempted a rigourous translation until 1819 when a Cambridge undergraduate named John Smith started on the task, which was to take him three years. It may have helped had he known the shorthand scheme that Pepys had used, which was detailed in another of the books in the library.
Various versions of the diary were published in the second half of the nineteenth century, but edited out the more "unseemly" parts of Pepys' life (gotta love those Victorians). The publication of the unexpergated version had to wait until 1976.
I've recently Tomalin's book, and was considering starting on the diary itself. Cheers for the link petebest!
Peel SessionsFestiveFifty6Music have been playing some of the bands Peelie championed since the news broke. Just played Half-Man Half-Biscuit. Even on such a sad day, "You're going on after Cripsy Ambulance!" can't help but raise a smile.
But beliefs aren't genetic, and are therefore not subject to Darwinian evolution
Isn't Dawkins whole "meme" thing to do with the idea that ideas are subject to Darwinian selection?
Mr. Knickerbocker: Indeed I did. Silly me. topolino: I think mare's hint might help with the markers. Look at the colours.
posted by nails 18 years ago
It's not a "person" being crushed under the tape. The staples are, after all, made of metal. If you can't get it from that, I'll be back later.
posted by nails 18 years ago
In "Curious, George: UNLURK!"
*points* *smiles* *strokes beard*
posted by nails 19 years ago
In "Curious like George"
I think we picked it up from Point Break, but there was a time early/mid 90s when my mates and I found "Like a virgin on prom night" fitted for just about anything.
posted by nails 19 years ago
In "This image can't be a coincidence."
The Wikipedia article on goatse [sfw] mentions the book in the "Parodies and Tributes" section. Also a picture of the Time cover.
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "A look at the Tristram Shandy web"
Plegmund I'm an alumnus of said college. I mostly chose it for the amusing name. Although the central location was nice. And Michael Palin went there back in the day. The knocker hangs over the high table in the dining hall. Every night, the dons would come in to dine through a doorway just underneath the knocker. The name of the college was usually abbreviated to BNC, although sometimes just "Nose", which made for some interesting chants at inter-college sporting events. Looking back now, it all seems a bit silly. I seem to say that a lot about Oxford.
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "The Diary of Samuel Pepys"
He wrote the diary in shorthand. According to the epilogue of Claire Tomalin's "The Unequalled Self", the diary ended up in Cambridge with the rest of his library, but no-one attempted a rigourous translation until 1819 when a Cambridge undergraduate named John Smith started on the task, which was to take him three years. It may have helped had he known the shorthand scheme that Pepys had used, which was detailed in another of the books in the library. Various versions of the diary were published in the second half of the nineteenth century, but edited out the more "unseemly" parts of Pepys' life (gotta love those Victorians). The publication of the unexpergated version had to wait until 1976. I've recently Tomalin's book, and was considering starting on the diary itself. Cheers for the link petebest!
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "Metafilter has turned on signups for new users."
Well, I paid my five bucks. Or my
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "Rather than try to post something interesting, I have decided to post something boring."
Bored now.
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "RIP John Peel"
Peel Sessions Festive Fifty 6Music have been playing some of the bands Peelie championed since the news broke. Just played Half-Man Half-Biscuit. Even on such a sad day, "You're going on after Cripsy Ambulance!" can't help but raise a smile.
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "What Use is Religion?"
But beliefs aren't genetic, and are therefore not subject to Darwinian evolution Isn't Dawkins whole "meme" thing to do with the idea that ideas are subject to Darwinian selection?
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "Boom!"
posted by nails 20 years ago
In "Spank your monkey"
So, nobody else does lie back and think of England anymore? How can you lie there and think of England When you don't even know who's in the team?
posted by nails 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)