dear god no - thats not a good idea. that week when she's menstrual is the only break i get from her constant demands to mate. a man needs a break, i am not a machine!
i agree with rodgerd, but go on the wee boat trip out to see albatross, you may get to see hectors dolphins as a bonus. we also saw a massive new zeland sea lion there too.
i think i work with that guy, seriously i do
posted by mrpattersonsir 18 years ago
In "Engineering on ze German tip!"
we wants the money lebowski, we believe in nothing cracking ads
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
In "Googlemaps naughty bits?"
christ no more simple html when drunk. can someone delete that? please??
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
its just a close up of the posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
In "26-foot crap."
looks like bobby sands's bedroom in there
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
In "The end of the period."
yep, there was definately some leg pulling going on there. nice to see it got an instant reaction.
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
dear god no - thats not a good idea. that week when she's menstrual is the only break i get from her constant demands to mate. a man needs a break, i am not a machine!
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
In "A Sufjan Stevens Christmas. "
well, i liked it... and lets not get pedontic about the spelling
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
In "The end of"
aw... thats sweet. cheers!
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
In "The American Film Institute's list of the 100 greatest movie quotes of all time."
withnail and i is just full of classics "then the f***er will rue the day" or "why has my head gone numb?". i'm watching that tonight
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
what? no mention of "nice marmot" or "it really tied the room together"?
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
In "Curious George - What's to be done in Dunedin?"
i agree with rodgerd, but go on the wee boat trip out to see albatross, you may get to see hectors dolphins as a bonus. we also saw a massive new zeland sea lion there too.
posted by mrpattersonsir 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)