The Circus, 1870-1950, I looked through it briefly, fantastic details, profusely illustrated, ("670 pages and nearly 900 color and black-and-white illustrations") a wonderful book. Lists for $200 US though it can be purchased for almost 1/2 price and there are always libraries.
I had an adult tonsillectomy and I feel compelled to share this with you.
The pain was excruciating for 4 days after the surgery and very uncomfortable for another 3 days. When I say "excruciating" I mean it - a fractured arm years earlier was not as painful.
Maybe get a second opinion about having all the surgery at once?
Why all the anger? Basically it's over the Linocut Rocks. The Korean media decided to play up the issue this spring. And the Korean government rather than be mature about it and resolve it in the legal or political arena (legal being unlikely as few observers hold the opinion that Korea's claim will be upheld, and political resolution has not happened because it is unlikely that Japan will surrender all claims to the rocks), instead the government ordered the public schools to tell the students the Korean view without actually backing it up
The rocks are a pretext. My guess is that seething rage at Japan is always present among Korean people. Japan murdered millions of Korean civilians in the 1930's and 40'and forced thousands of Korean women to become sex slaves. The Japanese army was well known for their savagery; bayoneting toddlers, beating infants to death. The medical experiments the Japanese conducted on Koreans were the equivalent to any of the Nazi atrocities.
I use the Patagonia Maximum Legal Carry On.
This is the outlet to use, they do mail order, 1/3 - 1/2 off retail prices.
Oh yeah, how the hell do you get the link command to work?
I use FOIA a lot and I would recommend filing FOIA's ( - link to an AxMe answer I provided with FOIA resources).
Also read - John Young does his best to keep the feds honest.
When this happened to me at work, I contacted the websites directly. and were being blocked. Those sites contacted the filter program people directly and I soon noticed I was able to access them directly. The whole filter thing at work is insane - the filter also blocked Lexis b/c the cases I was looking at contained roman numerals in the titles.
Reader's Digest Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual & if Metafilter ever goes back online check out the userpage of willpie. He recently asked a question about buying a house and someone linked to a good blog about building a house. Also check garage sales for tools.
Good luck.
*back aches at just the memory of laying sheetrock*
The Circus, 1870-1950, I looked through it briefly, fantastic details, profusely illustrated, ("670 pages and nearly 900 color and black-and-white illustrations") a wonderful book. Lists for $200 US though it can be purchased for almost 1/2 price and there are always libraries.
posted by mlis 16 years ago
In "Kevin Budden "
posted by mlis 17 years ago
In "Curious George:"
Thanks for the answers fish tick and everyone else!
posted by mlis 17 years ago
In "Curious, Amy: This young lady needs a middle name."
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "Curious George - Sleep Apnea Followup Questions"
Wedge: Thanks for that link, interesting info there.
posted by mlis 19 years ago
I had an adult tonsillectomy and I feel compelled to share this with you. The pain was excruciating for 4 days after the surgery and very uncomfortable for another 3 days. When I say "excruciating" I mean it - a fractured arm years earlier was not as painful. Maybe get a second opinion about having all the surgery at once?
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "Dear Japan, We hate you. "
Why all the anger? Basically it's over the Linocut Rocks. The Korean media decided to play up the issue this spring. And the Korean government rather than be mature about it and resolve it in the legal or political arena (legal being unlikely as few observers hold the opinion that Korea's claim will be upheld, and political resolution has not happened because it is unlikely that Japan will surrender all claims to the rocks), instead the government ordered the public schools to tell the students the Korean view without actually backing it up The rocks are a pretext. My guess is that seething rage at Japan is always present among Korean people. Japan murdered millions of Korean civilians in the 1930's and 40'and forced thousands of Korean women to become sex slaves. The Japanese army was well known for their savagery; bayoneting toddlers, beating infants to death. The medical experiments the Japanese conducted on Koreans were the equivalent to any of the Nazi atrocities.
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "Tourist George - Opinions on Luggage"
fish tick: thank you! squidperson: I posted an answer to that Curious George Apnea question you had want to make sure you saw it
posted by mlis 19 years ago
I use the Patagonia Maximum Legal Carry On. This is the outlet to use, they do mail order, 1/3 - 1/2 off retail prices. Oh yeah, how the hell do you get the link command to work?
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "Curious George - Sleep Apnea"
I found this book for a relative who said it was a good resource. Restless Nights: Understanding Snoring and Sleep Apnea
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In ""This is going on your permanent record--""
So What Can I Do?
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Baby Vomit Stains."
Field Guide to Stains for future reference - I keep a copy in the Kitchen!
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In ""This is going on your permanent record--""
I use FOIA a lot and I would recommend filing FOIA's ( - link to an AxMe answer I provided with FOIA resources). Also read - John Young does his best to keep the feds honest.
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "CuriousGeorge: Building a House"
the middleclasstool is correct. In NJ, for example, even the most basic wiring (replacing an outlet) by law must be done by a licensed electrician.
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Bypassing the IT Guy ..."
When this happened to me at work, I contacted the websites directly. and were being blocked. Those sites contacted the filter program people directly and I soon noticed I was able to access them directly. The whole filter thing at work is insane - the filter also blocked Lexis b/c the cases I was looking at contained roman numerals in the titles.
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "CuriousGeorge: Building a House"
Reader's Digest Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual & if Metafilter ever goes back online check out the userpage of willpie. He recently asked a question about buying a house and someone linked to a good blog about building a house. Also check garage sales for tools. Good luck. *back aches at just the memory of laying sheetrock*
posted by mlis 19 years ago
In "Curious George: How much are you paying for gasoline?"
$2.45 a gallon for 87 self-serve, 40 miles north of NYC.
posted by mlis 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)