In "Mars Rovers Still Sending Back Fantastic Images"

The Mars Rovers are now old news to me. I've moved on to the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn & Titan.

In "Curious George: Anyone connected to Clear Channel?"

I just wanted to second the notion that Indie 103.1 is a fantastic radio station. Sadly I didn't get to spend much time with it. I moved away from LA only a few months after it went on the air. Oh, and Jonsies Jukebox has to be one of the most magnificent shows to ever hit the airwaves.

In "D'you know what I have?"

iguana: it was a great idea to release gmail the way they did, for all the reasons you stated. I'm just saying that now, 6 months later, it seems silly to me that they haven't gone ahead and opened it up to everyone. As for the quality of Gmail, I think it's by far the best email program I've ever used web-based or otherwise. I'll never go back to my old email accounts.

hombre: that would be cool to see

In "Religion can be fun."

I'm sure the fundamentalist types would like to see these guys go to Hell (literally). But the interesting thing is that these Ship of Fools folks appear to actually BE Christians, normal ones with perspective and a sense of humor. I didn't think they made Christians like that any more.

In "D'you know what I have?"

I have some too... but honestly, why doesn't Google just go ahead and open Gmail up to everybody? It's not like Gmail is very "exclusive" any more.

In "Americans--surprise--do abysmally in geography. "

We Americans may suck at geography, but the French don't know shit about El Nino... so there.

In "Curious, George: Psst - wanna Gmail?"

Will we never be rid of these cursed gmail invites?!?

I've got some, too. Email me for gmail love.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)