Jim Cunningham: You are a fear prisoner. Yes, you are a product of fear.
Jim Cunningham: Son... DO YOU SEE THIS? This is an Anger Prisoner. A textbook example. DO YOU SEE THE FEAR, PEOPLE? This boy is scared to death of the truth. Son, it breaks my heart to say this, but I believe you are a very troubled and confused young man. I believe you are searching for the answers in all the wrong places...
Donnie Darko: You're right, actually. I am pretty- I'm, I'm pretty troubled and I'm, I'm pretty confused. But I... and I'm afraid. Really, really afraid. Really afraid. But I... I... I think you're the fucking Antichrist.
Jim Cunningham: Is that all the gusta you can musta?
This is tricky because the focus seems to be on editorials, but they also allow blog posts (they're calling them personal diaries). You didn't ask about design, but that's one thing I can't help but think about when I'm evaluating a website.
Dear Underpants Monster's Employer,
As a certified sleep specialist in the country of Nigeria, I regret to inform you that U.M. will be unable to attend work anytime in the near future. There is a distinct possibility of a leopard attack, and U.M. must remain awake to prevent it. And although not members of the so-called Big Five, there are worries regarding hippos and squirrels as well. Please excuse U.M. with proper remuneration.
Yours truly,
Dr. (cough) Flippa
Would now be a appropriate time to bring up the allegations?
posted by metaflippant 16 years ago
In "Rumours that Patrick Swayze has only 5 weeks to live."
Jim Cunningham: You are a fear prisoner. Yes, you are a product of fear. Jim Cunningham: Son... DO YOU SEE THIS? This is an Anger Prisoner. A textbook example. DO YOU SEE THE FEAR, PEOPLE? This boy is scared to death of the truth. Son, it breaks my heart to say this, but I believe you are a very troubled and confused young man. I believe you are searching for the answers in all the wrong places... Donnie Darko: You're right, actually. I am pretty- I'm, I'm pretty troubled and I'm, I'm pretty confused. But I... and I'm afraid. Really, really afraid. Really afraid. But I... I... I think you're the fucking Antichrist. Jim Cunningham: Is that all the gusta you can musta?
posted by metaflippant 16 years ago
In "Sweden's Ice Hotel"
I have a feeling I'll be staying in the Flame Hotel in the afterlife.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Curious George: How reliable is opednews.com?"
This is tricky because the focus seems to be on editorials, but they also allow blog posts (they're calling them personal diaries). You didn't ask about design, but that's one thing I can't help but think about when I'm evaluating a website.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Fidel Castro to retire."
Cigars for everyone!
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "The Metamorphosis of the Cecropia Silkmoth Larva"
Get that frakin' dime out of my face! Cool photo essay, but I'd be afraid that the grown moth would remember the cocoon-slitting incident.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Capt. Sensible"
I knew Capt. Sensible and the Damned, but I had no idea he was in the Damned. Cool. Bring that show to America, I say! Thanks for the post, goofyfoot.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Hummingbirds: Tail Chirpers"
The Anna's stick around here all year! Love 'em.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Curious George: I need a new Domain Registrar"
Everytime I hear a new thing about Go Daddy, I point people to this site.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Why turning 40 sucks."
I guess they didn't include the nations where the life expectancy is less than 40.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "How Scratching Works."
I am shocked and dismayed that Baptists would advocate scratching -- isn't that a sin?
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Celebrate the Holocaust!!"
I dunno. I think dancing girls and drums might make it all ok.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
In "Pretty kitties, tusks, and more!"
Another reason MonkeyF is superior to MetaF: postability of inline hippo photos! Can we embed video? On preview, no. Damn. This 'ill have to do.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
Dear Underpants Monster's Employer, As a certified sleep specialist in the country of Nigeria, I regret to inform you that U.M. will be unable to attend work anytime in the near future. There is a distinct possibility of a leopard attack, and U.M. must remain awake to prevent it. And although not members of the so-called Big Five, there are worries regarding hippos and squirrels as well. Please excuse U.M. with proper remuneration. Yours truly, Dr. (cough) Flippa
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
Thanks. I only made one mistake so far. Nice to meet you all.
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
oops -- thanks for catching it http://tinyurl.com/3e4eww
posted by metaflippant 17 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)