In "Hubristic CEOs Actually Suck?"

Fes, you want to read a book called "Good to Great" which addresses this exact area in great detail. They went in with no preconceptions, and their conclusions are both intuitively sensible and consistant with my experiences of good and bad corporate structures in ways I hadn't entirely considered before. Wish I could remember the author to recommend it better.

In "It puts the lotion on it's skin."

It's the Greenskeepers. I think it was posted to Metafilter on a now-vanished host. Nice to see it again, I suppose, although I'd almost banished it from my internal soundtrack. Could be worse. Could be Manilow.

In "My soul feels so violated"

Every time I see Iggy Pop used to shill for a florist I have to turn the TV off or leave the room. I suppose it's ironic in a way, but my irony/disgust settings just don't stretch that far.

In "Cinematic George - Favorite Under-Rated Movies"

Miller's Crossing has got to be one of my favorites, but why the hell didn't they credit Dashiell Hammet if they were going to make a movie from The Glass Key? Has no-one ever pointed it out to them?

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)