Oh, I think it is a wonderful mathematical theory, and I really look forward to the day when we have the computational power to make and prove predictions with it, but that day is far, far away. At this point, calling it physics is a little much for me.
But, I think our focus should be on other theories such as Loop Quantum Gravity. I may be biased, though. I came from an institution that was heavily against the dogmatic attitude of string theorist.
Excellent link
There will still be significant difference between those who earned the muscle through hard work and those who gained it through a drug. A lot of weight lifting not only leads to muscular changes, but also changes to your central nervous system in how motor units are recruited. Essentially, you not only get stronger but also more efficient in the motions.
This is one reason why body builders might be physically bigger than Olympic lifters, but the Olympic lifter will (usually) be able to move more weight at a much lighter weight.
Hm, so we have a minority scientists/researchers/doctors who say that being obese is not unhealthy, and we then have the majority of scientists/researchers/doctors who disagree and say that it is quite unhealthy.
Of course, there must be some sort of conspiracy at work here. That is the only explanation.
Actually, why don't you just download a weeks worth of content from MoFi and write a perl script grab each unique name from the "posted by" link, then sum the names?
Hell, when I'm done with my homework I may just do that.
Scrapple. I love the stuff, but I have to admit it is kind of strange.
Fry it up till it is crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and then spread it on toast. Delicious.
Places that have drug tested me: Starbucks, Nathan's Hotdogs, Credit card telemarketing, Medical telemarketing, Best Buy, Steak house
Places that have not tested me: Penn State University, my dad
Yeah, I don't get it.
Great post, by the way. People should talk about physics more often.
posted by loto 16 years ago
Oh, I think it is a wonderful mathematical theory, and I really look forward to the day when we have the computational power to make and prove predictions with it, but that day is far, far away. At this point, calling it physics is a little much for me. But, I think our focus should be on other theories such as Loop Quantum Gravity. I may be biased, though. I came from an institution that was heavily against the dogmatic attitude of string theorist.
posted by loto 16 years ago
Unfortunately, string theory is currently completely unprovable. Give it a couple thousand years.
posted by loto 16 years ago
In "New drugs in the pipeline. Very soon now we'll see even more bio-mass thrusting us aside at the check-out queue. "
Excellent link There will still be significant difference between those who earned the muscle through hard work and those who gained it through a drug. A lot of weight lifting not only leads to muscular changes, but also changes to your central nervous system in how motor units are recruited. Essentially, you not only get stronger but also more efficient in the motions. This is one reason why body builders might be physically bigger than Olympic lifters, but the Olympic lifter will (usually) be able to move more weight at a much lighter weight.
posted by loto 16 years ago
In "Michael Johnson talks about his decision - "
Sounds like some of you were picked last in gym class...
posted by loto 16 years ago
In "rice boy"
This is easily one of the best web comics I've read in a long time. Check it out, it'll only take you a little bit to burn through the entire thing.
posted by loto 16 years ago
In "Why Harvard Wants You To Be Unhealthily Thin."
Hm, so we have a minority scientists/researchers/doctors who say that being obese is not unhealthy, and we then have the majority of scientists/researchers/doctors who disagree and say that it is quite unhealthy. Of course, there must be some sort of conspiracy at work here. That is the only explanation.
posted by loto 17 years ago
In "Mirin Dajo: Human Marvel"
Some references for that x-ray may be nice.
posted by loto 17 years ago
In "Fundamental physics in 2010"
Hooray physics! *goes back to cosmic ray research*
posted by loto 17 years ago
In "How to Be Sizzling Hot - Guide for Men"
A muddy rugby shirt and a broken nose have been working for me.
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "Yes, in fact, we DO do Windows."
So if I get a Mac, I could play games on it finally? I mean, like, good games? Nice.
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "2006 Roll Call:"
Actually, why don't you just download a weeks worth of content from MoFi and write a perl script grab each unique name from the "posted by" link, then sum the names? Hell, when I'm done with my homework I may just do that.
posted by loto 18 years ago
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "Curious George: goofiest sex terms you've heard?"
Touching myself with the intent of orgasm. Wait, I think I did this wrong...
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "Barbie girls (or not)"
We couldn't cry, but we could listen to the Smiths. Same thing, right?
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "<b>Curious, George</b>-Nasty Food, International."
Scrapple. I love the stuff, but I have to admit it is kind of strange. Fry it up till it is crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and then spread it on toast. Delicious.
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "A step-by-step guide"
So, vegemite's form on the top of a gave, and marmites on the bottom, or did I get that backwards again?
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "Subgenius custody case takes ugly turn."
If you paid to be a Subgenius, you are not a Subgenius.
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "Force Skeptics"
posted by loto 18 years ago
In "Curious George: How long is the "Long Arm of the Law"?"
Places that have drug tested me: Starbucks, Nathan's Hotdogs, Credit card telemarketing, Medical telemarketing, Best Buy, Steak house Places that have not tested me: Penn State University, my dad Yeah, I don't get it.
posted by loto 18 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)