In ""I love the smell of burnt cookies in the morning. Smells like...Tollhouse.""

Awesome. I'm bookmarking it right next to Apocalypse Pooh.

In "Curious George: Movie Ratings Educational Poster"

Excellent. Thank you all. Pretty sad to have a first-hit Google query fed back at me.

In "University of Toronto CS lecture slides describing various fractals."

Connecting kuatto's and the_leviathan's comments to each other... James Gleick also has a book of photos called Nature's Chaos.

In "Beautiful Decay: Sugar"

Here's the text only of the Atlantic Monthly article mentioned above by kuujjuarapik.
And here's a PDF with the pictures also.

In "Robert Rodriguez slated to direct the Sin City Movie"

If you are a Miller die-hard, I recently read The Comics Journal Library: Frank Miller, which is a collection of interviews with him. A very interesting read. Also, the upcoming book Eisner/Miller looks interesting as well.

In "Curious George: Long Haul Flight"

I can't find my copy right now (and can't easily find it via Google), but Stanley Coren's "Sleep Thieves" mentions a study showing that you will not reach full REM sleep unless you are able to recline past a certain angle (something less than 30 degress from horizontal, if I recall). Basically, most airplane seats don't let you recline far enough to get effective sleep.

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