If you are a Miller die-hard, I recently read The Comics Journal Library: Frank Miller, which is a collection of interviews with him. A very interesting read.
Also, the upcoming book Eisner/Miller looks interesting as well.
I can't find my copy right now (and can't easily find it via Google), but Stanley Coren's "Sleep Thieves" mentions a study showing that you will not reach full REM sleep unless you are able to recline past a certain angle (something less than 30 degress from horizontal, if I recall).
Basically, most airplane seats don't let you recline far enough to get effective sleep.
Awesome. I'm bookmarking it right next to Apocalypse Pooh.
posted by kreinsch 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Movie Ratings Educational Poster"
Excellent. Thank you all. Pretty sad to have a first-hit Google query fed back at me.
posted by kreinsch 20 years ago
In "University of Toronto CS lecture slides describing various fractals."
Connecting kuatto's and the_leviathan's comments to each other... James Gleick also has a book of photos called Nature's Chaos.
posted by kreinsch 20 years ago
In "Beautiful Decay: Sugar"
Here's the text only of the Atlantic Monthly article mentioned above by kuujjuarapik.
And here's a PDF with the pictures also.
posted by kreinsch 20 years ago
In "Robert Rodriguez slated to direct the Sin City Movie"
If you are a Miller die-hard, I recently read The Comics Journal Library: Frank Miller, which is a collection of interviews with him. A very interesting read. Also, the upcoming book Eisner/Miller looks interesting as well.
posted by kreinsch 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Long Haul Flight"
I can't find my copy right now (and can't easily find it via Google), but Stanley Coren's "Sleep Thieves" mentions a study showing that you will not reach full REM sleep unless you are able to recline past a certain angle (something less than 30 degress from horizontal, if I recall). Basically, most airplane seats don't let you recline far enough to get effective sleep.
posted by kreinsch 21 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)