Root Canals are perfectly fine. You won't experience any pain during the procedure, and maybe slight pain afterwards (but it will be a pressure sensastion, not really pain).
Think about what a root canal does... it's a removal of nerve endings in that particular tooth. It's designed to ELIMINATE pain sensation, not increase it.
I will say that every single Star Wars DVD is simply amazing. Packed with content, features, and the most perfect image and sound clarity imaginable.
So, even if you aren't a fan of the movies, but have spoiled yourself with an amazing home entertainment center... the movies are a must buy.
Just my recommendation :-)
Kevin Smith liked The Phantom Menace
(the last bit of the interview)
I mean honestly, he's looking at the new trilogy from a kid fanboy's perspective, not really as a filmmaker.
So when Revenge of the Sith is released, I'll probably go and watch it, I may or may not like it... but I'm spending my $9 knowing full well that I'm a victim of nostalgia exploitation
AOL supports the IMAP protocol for email. I'd suggest setting up outlook (or thunderbird) and getting all your mail in one of those clients, it will make it easier to export it to a more popular format.
The next step is to load it into GMail.
For this, you could use GMail Loader or one of the dozen other apps on the site.
Hope this helps :-)
I didn't find Zezão's art all that exciting. The photography was great, but his grafitti just didn't do it for me.
I'd recommend the other artists on the site, especially Os Gêmeos.
The author's official website. And also a FAQ that doesn't really prove if the story is true or not...
Q: I just read [insert story here]! It was CRAZY! Did [insert subject of story here] really happen to you? Is [insert story here] TRUE???
A: I remember reading once a statement by Ray Bradbury that states "The most unbelievable events happen in really bad science fiction or in real life." Every story I write is based on actual events. However, for the purposes of publication and protecting my ass, I will go on record as saying that every single word on this site is a complete work of fiction - including the answer to this question.
Root Canals are perfectly fine. You won't experience any pain during the procedure, and maybe slight pain afterwards (but it will be a pressure sensastion, not really pain). Think about what a root canal does... it's a removal of nerve endings in that particular tooth. It's designed to ELIMINATE pain sensation, not increase it.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Why I Love America"
bernockle, there is always for those people to donate.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Kanye West is Mad at George Bush"
he's a famous hip-hop producer, and has recently found even more commercial success as a rapper.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Curious George: I need a graphic artist to design a logo"
/me imagines the photoshop lovefest if this was posted on FARK
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Revenge of the Sith"
I will say that every single Star Wars DVD is simply amazing. Packed with content, features, and the most perfect image and sound clarity imaginable. So, even if you aren't a fan of the movies, but have spoiled yourself with an amazing home entertainment center... the movies are a must buy. Just my recommendation :-)
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
Kevin Smith liked The Phantom Menace (the last bit of the interview) I mean honestly, he's looking at the new trilogy from a kid fanboy's perspective, not really as a filmmaker. So when Revenge of the Sith is released, I'll probably go and watch it, I may or may not like it... but I'm spending my $9 knowing full well that I'm a victim of nostalgia exploitation
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "A classic."
WHAT?! No Ewok-on-Wookie action?? /not interested
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Curious George - Best iPod Hacks?"
the version of iPod Agent on is outdated, there's a new version ( available here
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Design albums the 50 cent way."
here's the actual album cover as a basis for comparison... and why it is in fact MILDLY hilarious.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Superman is a Dick. "
YOU can slap a jap With WAR BONDS and STAMPS! What next? Superman drops atomic weapons on Japan?
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Curious George - Exporting and Importing into Gmail"
AOL supports the IMAP protocol for email. I'd suggest setting up outlook (or thunderbird) and getting all your mail in one of those clients, it will make it easier to export it to a more popular format. The next step is to load it into GMail. For this, you could use GMail Loader or one of the dozen other apps on the site. Hope this helps :-)
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Zira is hot. "
Guinness is cold. Nice site. I have to say though, it's not fair to compare this site to Suicide Girls. I think SG is more of a portal.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "A resource for the interested, whether experienced or not."
Additionally, Ampulove is a nice resource for amputees as well as admirers of amputees. [NSFW]
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out meets breakfast!"
Saw this via Metafilter 3 days ago...
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "easter is cancelled!"
Here's the same image in a higher resolution to bring you all much Easter joy.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Graf do Brasil"
I didn't find Zezão's art all that exciting. The photography was great, but his grafitti just didn't do it for me. I'd recommend the other artists on the site, especially Os Gêmeos.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In ""
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Maserati Corse dodeci"
the hotness more hotness
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Revenge of the fired Walmart worker."
The author's official website. And also a FAQ that doesn't really prove if the story is true or not... Q: I just read [insert story here]! It was CRAZY! Did [insert subject of story here] really happen to you? Is [insert story here] TRUE??? A: I remember reading once a statement by Ray Bradbury that states "The most unbelievable events happen in really bad science fiction or in real life." Every story I write is based on actual events. However, for the purposes of publication and protecting my ass, I will go on record as saying that every single word on this site is a complete work of fiction - including the answer to this question.
posted by khan-X 19 years ago
In "Asian Tattoo Artist Inks Revenge "
Yup, Engineer's Monkey is right. The website is a Pittsburgh-based satire site. Fake... but still entertaining nevertheless.
posted by khan-X 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)