In "Curious George: Skin Care"

A really good place to get this kind of info, as well as no-BS reviews and evaluations of various skin care products, is Cosmetics Cop, which despite the name covers a lot more than makeup. Check out the "Products Reviews" links. I can also vouch for the quality of her own products, which, while not dirt-cheap, are straightforward, good quality, and do the job.

In "Curious, Amy: This young lady needs a middle name."

I am all about the rhythm when it comes to choosing middle names, and with a 2-syllable/1-syllable combo like Amy Hope, to my ear the most rhythmically pleasing options are: 1) a two-syllable middle name with a strong stress on the second syllable (e.g., Adele, Elise, Francine, Giselle, Jolie, Linette, Simone); or, 2) a four-syllable middle name with a second-syllable stress (e.g., Valeria, Penelope, Honoria, Felicia, Emilia, Natalia). The first group is, I realize, preponderantly French, probably due to the accenting patterns of the language, but since Amy is originally a French name that would fit smoothly. The second group is heavy on the "ia" endings, which may or may not be something you'd want. Anyway, just a few random thoughts from the Dept. of Gee, It's Fun to Name Other People's Kids. *g*

In "All the News That's Not Fit to Print"

Hot damn! Louise Mengelkoch is an old friend of mine, though we drifted out of touch some years back (I should drop her a line). And yeah, maryh, she's a smart, gutsy, classy woman. Thanks for the link!

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