In "Insomnious, George:"

Since I went to the trouble of registering in order to mete out my wonderful advice, I shall do so, despite the fact that Raoul beat me to the punch. Several years ago I suffered through several months of insomnia to the point where I could fall asleep during the day sitting straight up on a hard-backed chair. I would sleep like that for five minutes and that would be all she wrote when beddie bye time came. The situation became much less than cute when I began falling asleep at the wheel at stoplights. Enough of my travails. As Raoul so cogently noted, my salvation (as his) was books on tape (or cd). Once I plugged in the earphones (which I still do today..its become a crutch, just like my daughter's blankie) a little while later I was off to la la land. Mosey down to your local library and pick up a couple of audio books. Don't go out and buy them, they are way too expensive and once you've listened to them, poof, they're of no value. Good luck.

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