Here's a link to donate, path. Thanks.
The closest thing we have to a website is a few paragraphs here.
Thanks tracicle! Best wishes to your friend's daughter, as well.
Janus Capital Group comes from the Roman god of gates and doors, Janus. I think their logo is even a representation of him. He doesn't have a Greek counterpart, that I know of.
To preface, thanks for listening/talking, everyone.
bernockle: Exactly. Which is why it bothers me so much that I can't remember all of those things that are so important.
Beeswacky, as a matter of fact, last week I decided to start keeping a journal. Only problem is that by the beginning of this week, I forgot that I was supposed to be keeping one.
Roach: Yeah, I'm kinda wary of hypnotism, and you've just reinforced that. I kind of have a feeling that this is something that's either going to work out on its own, or that I'm going to have to figure out without someone walking me through it, since everyone's different. Thanks for your well wishes, though.
Since I'm still not quite clear about this, if I wanted to make some sort of update on my situation (ie, if I have some sort of breaktrough, I find something that really works for me, or my novel) how would I go about doing that, here?
Thanks again.
My preschool teacher used to make us sandwiches. I don't remember what she made the other kids, but for some reason or another, she always made mine with nothing but margerine and Wonderbread. I loved them...
Thanks everyone. I'm home sick with a sore throat, so I guess I've got nothing better to do than respond to everyone's comments individually.
Also, just to note, I'm not really expecting to have some sort of miraculous memory recovery, but it does make a big difference just talking about it and venting. I think I'm going to make some progress in spite of myself, though, so thanks.
roach: I've noticed that whole association thing, it really does help alot; that's why now, like I said before, I try and keep little momentos from whenever I do something vaguely interesting, because they help me remember a lot more than one would think.
That doesn't really help with stuff that is further back than I started collecting momentos, though.
This does seem to be helping, though, because I just remembered that I played through Final Fantasy 7 and read all of the Star Wars books when I was in treatment...maybe I should play/read those again?
I do think that going back to some locations would really help; the only problem being that most of the hospital has been re-done since I was in treatment.
Thanks, though, and a little obsession is never a bad thing, especially when it on a subject I'm interested in. :)
Smo: I think that's generally a good philosphy to have, but I can't help but think that if I don't work on recalling my old memories, what's the point of making new ones? I'm just going to forget them anyways.
I don't really totally beleive in that, but it is how I feel sometimes. :shrug: Thanks, none-the-less, however. I guess it's nice, in a sort of twisted way, to know that I'm not alone. Maybe some of the stuff here can help you too?
Bluehorse: This seems like a great idea, I'll be sure to try it out. Thanks!
HawthorneWingo: I do want to visit places that I spent a lot of time at when I was younger, but like I said before, my access to them is kind of limited. A lot of my family have moved to different houses, different apartments, we've moved a few times, etc. On top of that, up until right before I got sick, I lived in Boston, and now I live outside of NYC, and given that I can't even drive for a good 10 months, it's not really that easy for me to visit, well, much of anywhere. I guess it's a matter of waiting, but I hate waiting. It seems too similar to wasting time.
Hypnosis interests me, but I don't know anything about it. Has anyone had any experience with it?
Wolof: All I have to say is that I couldn't help but think you were somehow comparing BlueHorse's suggestion to feces, even though I know you weren't.
Wibbleflex: Indeed. That poses another problem, one that seems almost impossible to answer: how much and how well do people normally remember?
patita: The link diddn't work, but google-fu brought me to this. Whether that was what you meant to share or not, thanks. Now I've got something to keep me occupied for at least a little while.
SideDish Yeah, that looks interesting, thanks.
Well, thanks everyone for all the advice and good wishes. It makes me feel all warm inside. :)
On preview, I wrote way too much. Also, thank you Johnn, and good luck with your memory, as well.
path: Of course it was painful, it was painful as all hell, and frightening too. I really want to remember, though, I'm not afraid of it, I'm much more afraid of the fact that I won't be able to remember any of the things I went through; if not for my own good, then to be able to relate them for the benefit of others, y'know? I'm still pretty close with a lot of my doctors, nurses, and volunteers from the hospital, so I've been getting in touch with them and having them relate stories, which is helpful in more ways than one.
It's not just my memories about my treatment that are fuzzy/nonexistent, it's almost everything. It's not only before a certain point, either. It's like an advancing haze, if you will, and I can't remember clearly more than a few months back at any given time. I started saving momentos from things I've done (ticket stubs, notes, etc)in the hopes that they'll keep from forgetting things, and it does seem to help.
Thanks for your interest in the novel, too. For future reference, where would the best place be to keep you monkeys updated?
goofyfoot: Some smells do help greatly, the smell of alcohol wipes, for instance. I should probably look into this type of thing some more, though. Thanks for reminding me.
Just to point out something I didn't before: I can remember facts and sort of what happened, but I can't really remember being there. That'd be okay, I guess, but I don't want to just regurgitate the facts of my life, I want to share the experience. Also, I'll remember some events really vividly, just like little scenes from my life, so I've tried to just make little, short, seperate stories out of those. (If anyone's interested in looking at some of these, feel free to e-mail me) The amount of these are growing, but I feel like there's got to be some easier way, some way to fill in all the holes.
On preview, kimdog: Great minds think alike, huh?
Maybe I'm wrong, but...the link says it's on the 14th? Which would make sense, because I didn't think mail got delivered/picked up on Sundays...
posted by humoreffect 19 years ago
In "Kids Walk for Kids With Cancer"
Here's a link to donate, path. Thanks. The closest thing we have to a website is a few paragraphs here. Thanks tracicle! Best wishes to your friend's daughter, as well.
posted by humoreffect 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Dating."
I have an original Optimus Prime on my desk... The question is, mct, do you have an original Megatron?
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Curious George: What did you do today?"
I played with crayons for three hours, and made a machine (cardboard box covered with tinfoil) to turn Chewbacca (my cat) into Chewbacca (the wookie).
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Cinematic George - Favorite Under-Rated Movies"
You're a better man than I am, squidranch! /kinda obscure
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: Greek Names"
Janus Capital Group comes from the Roman god of gates and doors, Janus. I think their logo is even a representation of him. He doesn't have a Greek counterpart, that I know of.
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: Memory Troubles"
To preface, thanks for listening/talking, everyone. bernockle: Exactly. Which is why it bothers me so much that I can't remember all of those things that are so important. Beeswacky, as a matter of fact, last week I decided to start keeping a journal. Only problem is that by the beginning of this week, I forgot that I was supposed to be keeping one. Roach: Yeah, I'm kinda wary of hypnotism, and you've just reinforced that. I kind of have a feeling that this is something that's either going to work out on its own, or that I'm going to have to figure out without someone walking me through it, since everyone's different. Thanks for your well wishes, though. Since I'm still not quite clear about this, if I wanted to make some sort of update on my situation (ie, if I have some sort of breaktrough, I find something that really works for me, or my novel) how would I go about doing that, here? Thanks again.
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Curious George wants a ‘nana. "
My preschool teacher used to make us sandwiches. I don't remember what she made the other kids, but for some reason or another, she always made mine with nothing but margerine and Wonderbread. I loved them...
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "State of the Union Address"
My TV was on in the background but I wasn't watching it...the only thing I noticed was how goddamn much Cheney reminds me a frog.
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Curious, George: Memory Troubles"
Thanks everyone. I'm home sick with a sore throat, so I guess I've got nothing better to do than respond to everyone's comments individually. Also, just to note, I'm not really expecting to have some sort of miraculous memory recovery, but it does make a big difference just talking about it and venting. I think I'm going to make some progress in spite of myself, though, so thanks. roach: I've noticed that whole association thing, it really does help alot; that's why now, like I said before, I try and keep little momentos from whenever I do something vaguely interesting, because they help me remember a lot more than one would think. That doesn't really help with stuff that is further back than I started collecting momentos, though. This does seem to be helping, though, because I just remembered that I played through Final Fantasy 7 and read all of the Star Wars books when I was in treatment...maybe I should play/read those again? I do think that going back to some locations would really help; the only problem being that most of the hospital has been re-done since I was in treatment. Thanks, though, and a little obsession is never a bad thing, especially when it on a subject I'm interested in. :) Smo: I think that's generally a good philosphy to have, but I can't help but think that if I don't work on recalling my old memories, what's the point of making new ones? I'm just going to forget them anyways. I don't really totally beleive in that, but it is how I feel sometimes. :shrug: Thanks, none-the-less, however. I guess it's nice, in a sort of twisted way, to know that I'm not alone. Maybe some of the stuff here can help you too? Bluehorse: This seems like a great idea, I'll be sure to try it out. Thanks! HawthorneWingo: I do want to visit places that I spent a lot of time at when I was younger, but like I said before, my access to them is kind of limited. A lot of my family have moved to different houses, different apartments, we've moved a few times, etc. On top of that, up until right before I got sick, I lived in Boston, and now I live outside of NYC, and given that I can't even drive for a good 10 months, it's not really that easy for me to visit, well, much of anywhere. I guess it's a matter of waiting, but I hate waiting. It seems too similar to wasting time. Hypnosis interests me, but I don't know anything about it. Has anyone had any experience with it? Wolof: All I have to say is that I couldn't help but think you were somehow comparing BlueHorse's suggestion to feces, even though I know you weren't. Wibbleflex: Indeed. That poses another problem, one that seems almost impossible to answer: how much and how well do people normally remember? patita: The link diddn't work, but google-fu brought me to this. Whether that was what you meant to share or not, thanks. Now I've got something to keep me occupied for at least a little while. SideDish Yeah, that looks interesting, thanks. Well, thanks everyone for all the advice and good wishes. It makes me feel all warm inside. :) On preview, I wrote way too much. Also, thank you Johnn, and good luck with your memory, as well.
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
path: Of course it was painful, it was painful as all hell, and frightening too. I really want to remember, though, I'm not afraid of it, I'm much more afraid of the fact that I won't be able to remember any of the things I went through; if not for my own good, then to be able to relate them for the benefit of others, y'know? I'm still pretty close with a lot of my doctors, nurses, and volunteers from the hospital, so I've been getting in touch with them and having them relate stories, which is helpful in more ways than one. It's not just my memories about my treatment that are fuzzy/nonexistent, it's almost everything. It's not only before a certain point, either. It's like an advancing haze, if you will, and I can't remember clearly more than a few months back at any given time. I started saving momentos from things I've done (ticket stubs, notes, etc)in the hopes that they'll keep from forgetting things, and it does seem to help. Thanks for your interest in the novel, too. For future reference, where would the best place be to keep you monkeys updated? goofyfoot: Some smells do help greatly, the smell of alcohol wipes, for instance. I should probably look into this type of thing some more, though. Thanks for reminding me. Just to point out something I didn't before: I can remember facts and sort of what happened, but I can't really remember being there. That'd be okay, I guess, but I don't want to just regurgitate the facts of my life, I want to share the experience. Also, I'll remember some events really vividly, just like little scenes from my life, so I've tried to just make little, short, seperate stories out of those. (If anyone's interested in looking at some of these, feel free to e-mail me) The amount of these are growing, but I feel like there's got to be some easier way, some way to fill in all the holes. On preview, kimdog: Great minds think alike, huh? Thanks.
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
Sorry about the [more inside] doubling... I'm new at this.
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Old fart curious George"
I don't think he's going to play a foot soldier. If I remember properly, he's supposedly going to play the general in charge of the assault...
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
In "Poolitics"
I read this as POOlitics instead of POOLitics....guess my mind's in the gutter today.
posted by humoreffect 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)